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Really great post. I admire you're ability to write and lay out the information Peter.

Personally, I believe your last point is likely to be the issue here. Like with everything there's likely to be a critical period in a child's developing years where exposure to antigens and exogenous substances are vital to creating a trained, complex immune system that can differentiate between the innocuous and the truly pathogenic. Unfortunately, the sterile environment many children have been living in has not provided children, and really many people in general, the foundations to create an antifragile immune system.

I think the only way to really figure this out will be to see if rates of allergies or autoimmune disease increase in the coming months/years.

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Thanks. You are most kind.

The narrative hook came strictly by accident. I was doing a survey of the current hepatitis stories and that doctor just cavalierly saying "there's so much gastroenteritis going around" was something of a "huh?" moment. Modern society with modern sanitation and modern hygiene shouldn't be having that much gastroenteritis.

So I started digging into that and, sure enough, the rates of gastroenteritis are way off the charts.

The rest of the article just fell into place at that point. People just shouldn't be that sick that much.

As a recovering cost accountant, I'm a numbers guy. I look at stats, and trends, and figure out what they're saying. And you're right... this is not a good prognosis for the up and coming generation. Their immune systems are seriously distorted and unbalanced, and Lord only knows if a return to equilibrium is even possible for them.

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I do wonder if gastroenteritis may be linked to some gut dysbiosis since there's a very strong link between gut microbiome and immune health. As it relates to dealing with the issue, I think it depends on how long this whole sterility hysteria will last, and whether people will actually take into account the virtues of getting dirty every now and then, or really doing anything to improve overall health.

I think it's rather frustrating that we are more than 2 years into this thing, we know full well that obesity is a big factor in overall ill health, and I doubt that many Americans have changed their overall eating and lifestyle habits.

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I believe there is a broad correlation that can be established between the state of the gut microbiome and GI issues. I don't think the correlation is necessarily causal for gastroenteritis, given the specific pathogens identified as being causative agents, but the capacity to ward off and minimize such conditions is going to be heavily influenced by the intestinal flora.

It is absolutely absurd, as well as unconscionable, that the "experts" at the CDC and FDA, agencies explicitly charged with using science to reach reasoned conclusions about how best to advance the public's health, completely fail to address the significance good nutrition has in disease immunity of any kind.

In addition to the obvious benefits adequate vitamin D and zinc have in warding off SARS-CoV-2 infection (https://allfactsmatter.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-the-real-magic-bullet-against), the comorbidities which influence the severity and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection also indicate a level of immune system dysfunction (https://allfactsmatter.substack.com/p/stick-a-fork-in-the-experts-theyre?s=w).

By far the approaches most strongly recommended by actual scientific data for containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus is to encourage overall good health in people. And yet we hear not a word about that from the "experts".

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