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Everyone is entitled to believe as they will.

However, there are a few factual items which warrant clarification:

Article I of the Constitution describes the Legislative Power of the United States government. Article II describes the Executive Power. Article III describes the Judicial Power. The term "Federation" does not appear in the Constitution. "Confederation" only appears twice, and one is the prohibition of States forming a confederation outside of the Constitution.


Ever since ratification, the Constitution is the supreme law of the United States by definition and declaration.

Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment declares all persons born in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction unqualified citizenship. It also guarantees to all persons, citizens or not, the equal protection of the laws.

That is the plaintext reading of the Amendment.

The Law of Kinds as expressed in Genesis 1:25 is an intriguing philosophical proposition, but it has not been cited in case law. It is not an operative legal doctrine.

With respect to the proposal that living persons cannot contract with corporations, putting that into practice would mean you cannot rent an apartment, nor take out a mortgage or even pay cash for a house, nor purchase groceries at a typical grocery store. It might a philosophical ideal to some but it is untenable as a legal or even political doctrine within Western society.

All of which illuminates why the crux of the evolution of legal personhood for corporations arises from the acknowledgement that corporations are different and distinct from natural persons, which declaration is found repeatedly throughout US case law, up to Citizens United and beyond.

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You're absolutely right; of course the organic government structure does not appear in the Constitutions because they are outside of the contracts that the Constitutions cover and is not within the scope of corporate jurisdiction. As far as the Law of Kinds being operative....it's one of the many "legal presumptions" that are imbedded within the legal framework before you even get through the gate, which must be rebutted.

- Look around, and you will see presumptions in operation; nearly every part of society has been build upon presumptions. This is the drilled-down root....the most foundational piece upon which everything rests, and must be gotten to in order to comprehend what has been going on in this country and other first world countries all across the globe.

Tell me.....can you look around you and say that we are "free"? Cradle to grave control and debt slavery is freedom? Asking for permission from "the authorities" to live, to work, to own, to learn, to travel, to grow food, to collect rainwater...et al......does a free being ask for permission to do all these things? Have you noticed that during the plandemic, the "governments" completely ignored their own laws, and when challenged.....their agents responded that they didn't have to follow them? (Yes, this actually did happen to me; as a former middle-manager for a state agency, I have emails from the Director of the Executive Office of Human Services telling me that the Civil Rights Act does not apply to them....in those exact words). How does a state agency get away with this bold statement? And even with the written evidence, when brought before the EEOC, this agency came back stating that they couldn't do anything. How? - I personally experienced so much blatantly illegal behavior by government service agencies that it was VERY clear to me that there was some underlying reason that was not common knowledge.

- I think that these are all very good questions that require careful consideration from all angles, putting aside cherished first principles. If you don't question everything, especially your own beliefs, you're keeping yourself stuck inside a box. Have you ever heard "as above, so below.......as within, as without?" before? Everything plays out in the material world due to what is going on in the esoteric; the manifest evidence points to the cause, which is not obvious, but must be dug into.

- Thanks, brother....it is great to be able to have rational discussions coming from completely different perspectives (which may never be agreed, but which are fun to hear!). Peace!

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