Conversely, if a homeowner fails to comply with a Court Order, he goes to jail.
> Brown Lawn Means Jail Time
> St. Petersburg Times (Florida, not Russia), October 11 2008
> On Friday morning, Joseph Prudente took off his wedding band and put his heart medication in a plastic bag.
> Then his daughter drove him to jail.
> His crime? He had disobeyed a court order that he sod the lawn at his Beacon Woods home.
> His bail? Zero.
> Prudente, 66, must stay in the Pasco County jail in Land O'Lakes until the required sod work is completed, under a September court order signed by Circuit Judge W. Lowell Bray.
> "He's in prison for God knows how long because we can't afford to sod the lawn," said his sobbing daughter, Jennifer Lehr.
> Prudente has owned a home in the deed restricted community since 1998. The covenants require homeowners to keep their lawns covered with grass.
> Earlier this year, the Beacon Woods Civic Association took Prudente to court after he failed to install new sod on his browning lawn, which had withered after his sprinklers broke. The association had already sent letters telling him to resod his front and back yards by certain dates.
As some reader pointed out in the comments section there, in stories like this H.O.A. corporations spend more on attorneys and litigation than it would have cost to actually fix the yard.
Conversely, if a homeowner fails to comply with a Court Order, he goes to jail.
> Brown Lawn Means Jail Time
> St. Petersburg Times (Florida, not Russia), October 11 2008
> On Friday morning, Joseph Prudente took off his wedding band and put his heart medication in a plastic bag.
> Then his daughter drove him to jail.
> His crime? He had disobeyed a court order that he sod the lawn at his Beacon Woods home.
> His bail? Zero.
> Prudente, 66, must stay in the Pasco County jail in Land O'Lakes until the required sod work is completed, under a September court order signed by Circuit Judge W. Lowell Bray.
> "He's in prison for God knows how long because we can't afford to sod the lawn," said his sobbing daughter, Jennifer Lehr.
> Prudente has owned a home in the deed restricted community since 1998. The covenants require homeowners to keep their lawns covered with grass.
> Earlier this year, the Beacon Woods Civic Association took Prudente to court after he failed to install new sod on his browning lawn, which had withered after his sprinklers broke. The association had already sent letters telling him to resod his front and back yards by certain dates.
As some reader pointed out in the comments section there, in stories like this H.O.A. corporations spend more on attorneys and litigation than it would have cost to actually fix the yard.