The Russian ruble is getting stronger against the dollar. Some said Russian ruble is the best currency of the year 2022.

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Perhaps, but Russia's economy is arguably in a deeper contraction than the US, at least as of May (haven't seen the June data yet)


There are two main narratives I've seen in play on Russia. The corporate media takes the line that Russia is collapsing under the weight of sanctions and it's apparent inability to achieve final victory in Ukraine.

The alternative media largely takes the line that Russia is doing just fine despite the sanctions and their war plans are proceeding as expected.

I don't put too much stock in either one, frankly. The last time a European war produced a clear winner on the continent was the Franco Prussian War of 1870. WW1 and WW2 pretty much devastated or bankrupted all sides. Would not surprise me if this clash over Ukraine has the same effect.

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According to Scott Ritter Ukraine is losing the war against Russia despite all that money and weapons from other countries for Ukraine. Russia has lot of food because of fertilizer and oil. While America is losing war on oil and food. Some people go to Mexico to buy baby formula.

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And yet food price inflation has been worse in Russia than it has been here in the US, based on the numbers reported by Rosstat.

This is why I don't comment much on the whole Ukrainian mess. The narratives on all sides tend to start with a conclusion and work backwards.

I don't make any predictions about how Ukraine is going to turn out save one: the predictions all the "experts" are making now are going to be wrong in some significant regard. In the meantime, the one thing that needs to happen is the one thing no one is willing to make happen: peace.

Folks are dying over there. If that's not an obscenity to you I don't have anything else to say.

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Oh man, I completely forgot! Did anyone check to see how much we will be saving on hot dogs this Monday?!

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It was going to be something like 14 cents, but with inflation that's now down to a plug nickel.

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Well, as long as it's reported with that same stock image as last year I think I'll be able to sleep at night!

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Agree 100%...The times will get more “interesting” before they get less.

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