We're getting the recession we should have had in 2020-2021 as a result of the crippling lock-downs. The FedGov (and governments around the world) papered that over by borrowing a bunch of freshly printed money, which created demand for things, but no supply and thus made inflation inevitable.
I suspect we're getting the recession we would have had in 2020-2021 had the whole COVID nonsense not happened.
The US economy was not on a good track at the end of 2019--for that matter, the world economy, and in particular China, was heading into rough waters.
The lunatic lockdowns scrambled a bunch of things, but they never accomplished the economic reset (not to be confused with the "Great Reset" narrative) that is your average recession. Everyone tried to postpone the day of reckoning...and now it's here. And several orders of magnitude more expensive.
Yeah, there was that whole mess with Repos in the fall of 2019 that could be viewed as the canary in the coal mine that most everyone forgot about once the scamdemic hit.
And of course every time the can gets kicked down the road, the price that must eventually be paid gets higher.
the privately owned "federal" reserve /becoming/ irrelevant?
they've always been irrelevant. just another means to devalue the fiat currency and shift money to the already rich.
We're getting the recession we should have had in 2020-2021 as a result of the crippling lock-downs. The FedGov (and governments around the world) papered that over by borrowing a bunch of freshly printed money, which created demand for things, but no supply and thus made inflation inevitable.
I suspect we're getting the recession we would have had in 2020-2021 had the whole COVID nonsense not happened.
The US economy was not on a good track at the end of 2019--for that matter, the world economy, and in particular China, was heading into rough waters.
The lunatic lockdowns scrambled a bunch of things, but they never accomplished the economic reset (not to be confused with the "Great Reset" narrative) that is your average recession. Everyone tried to postpone the day of reckoning...and now it's here. And several orders of magnitude more expensive.
Yeah, there was that whole mess with Repos in the fall of 2019 that could be viewed as the canary in the coal mine that most everyone forgot about once the scamdemic hit.
And of course every time the can gets kicked down the road, the price that must eventually be paid gets higher.