How can you stimulate an economy, with stimulus, if no one is allowed out of their houses? Do they really buy everything online?

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To say that Zero Covid and economic growth are agendas at cross purposes is the mother of all understatements!

If you've read my articles on Shanghai's most recent lockdown experience, you've already gotten a glimpse of what a total lockdown really does to a city and a society. Some of the images coming out of the Shanghai lockdown looked like a post-modernist interpretation of Dante's Inferno.

Sadly, I suspect the images did not do the reality justice.

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The WHO is calling for a global lockdown. Fear is once again being ginned up. Will they succeed?

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Given that even China backed off vaccine mandates, the odds are unlikely.

At some point Xi Jinping subjecting Chinese cities to repeated lockdowns will cost him the Mandate of Heaven--after which point both he and the CCP are toast.

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What I find interesting is China does not use mRNA, correct? So why are they seeing cases shoot up like we do in the West who do use mRNA? Can it be the vaccines and restrictions do NOTHING? Literally.

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China's SinoVac and SinoPharm vaccines are notionally vaccines that use the whole virus as opposed to the mRNA genetic targeting of spike proteins.

That being said, by all accounts they are no more effective than the seasonal flu shot, and there have been reports of spikes in leukemia cases after the introduction of those vaccines (although for obvious reasons China's concoctions get less attention and have far less data than the mRNA shots).

As regards the efficacy of the restrictions--they've been a demonstrable failure since the spring of 2020.


My articles on the Shanghai lockdown paint an even worse picture of lockdown lunacy. China's Zero COVID strategy is not only economically lethal, it flat out does not work.

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