Absent from this discussion is the fact that industrial hygienists (IH) are PPE experts and professionally recommend levels of protection for industrial applications, such as removal of mold and asbestos. During the peek of the pandemic I saw ONE video on social media from an industrial hygienists pleading with a local school board to reverse their mask mandate on children and adults alike, as they do more harm than good. IH use scientific FACT along with long established LAW to recommend appropriate PPE for public employee application of PPE, yet these experts have been eliminated from the discussion. If you want an idea of what PPE is necessary to prevent the spread of a virus, look at what scientists wear in a level 4 biolab. Full negative pressure suits. Bam. Also ignored is the fact that more people died of bacterial pneumonia than the Spanish Flu in 1918 - due to overuse of facemasks. The solution? Put patients outdoors, maskless, in the fresh air and sunshine. Virus defeated.
Those are some excellent points! I hadn't thought about industrial hygienists and their PPE guidelines. I'll have to add that to the research reading list for the next time this masking nonsense comes up.
That's great! A casualty of the cancel culture! Also, I am 22 years US Army, Combat Medic (5 years) and Medical Service officer (17 years). Trained in biological warfare survival for all that time. We used FILTERED protective masks, hoods, gloves, boots, suits, self-decon, and other survival techniques, NONE of which include the wearing of a surgical mask. Since I worked with docs and nurses, I only ever saw surgical masks in use in surgery or in a negative pressure room with TB patients. Surgical masks were designed to reduce the risk of BACTERIAL contamination of the surgical field. NOT designed to wear while walking, daily activity, talking much. If a mask is TOUCHED, becomes MOIST/WET, SOILED in any way, it is considered CONTAMINATED and must be replaced. The BOX in which surgical masks come in have a DISCLAIMER printed on the outside of the box stating they are NOT effective against COVID-19 (or any virus for that matter). Early on, February 2020, CDC stated masks were ineffective against viruses, but they wanted everyone to wear one to 'remind everyone there was a Pandemic going on' and to do all the other things possible to protect themselves. I knew DOCTORS who would NOT use PPE because they wanted to get the illness so that their body could produce ANTIBODIES. Our immune systems WORK (for most of use who are not immunocompromised). God help us, this profound ignorance of basic human biology. Keep up the good fight! Signed, a retired public school health educator and administrator. ;-)
When the "experts" were scratching their heads over the rise in incidence of pediatric hepatitis, one of the theories they put forward was that children were "immunologically naive" having been in lockdown, isolation, and practicing social distancing because of COVID.
In other words, they basically ADMITTED the lockdowns made people sicker, but made no apologies.
I'm not expecting apologies, but the shamelessness and chutzpah required to use one's own ineptitude (or worse) to demonstrate expertise is nothing short of astonishing.
Thank you for that unapologetic review of the basis on which we make decisions. It is crucial that your argument be made often and much. Unapologetically!
If there is a subway rider prone to sneeze due to an infection, yes, a mask over his/her face would be useful. But all the other riders? They’re not doing aerosol-creating surgery, so masking is useless. Except as a badge of compliance with tyranny.
Unscientific American. In the good old days many a train ride from Niagara to Montreal turned into a wonderful journey of discovery, of fascination. Reading that journal was one of the joys of life.
Alas, the truth itself has been so deeply subverted in our society that even Sci Am and other health profession journals went woke. Rags of CRT. Making them obscenely irrelevant. Thankfully, trains have windows, out of which the traveller looks, observes, learns and ponders.
Have you seen the editor of SA? She practices and is a pedlar of superstition.
Pseudoscientific American.
Indeed, the literature up to 2020 showed masks to be ineffective. The body of evidence against its use is overwhelming in both community and hospital settings. It's worth noting from the day the mask was invented and used in hospitals it was met with skepticism from doctors. They were originally meant for BACTERIA and not viruses.
Either these two are not good at what they do or they have an agenda. They conflate the two thus misleading people. Only; they can answer if this is done on purpose. Epidemiologists are NOT PPE experts. They're germ chasers. A physicist is far more qualified to discuss masks.
Epidemiology is more art than science. This is why they're accepting unreliable 'mathematical models ' as their base for evidence rather than RCTs. I notice that every epidemiologist here who screamed for masks IGNORED the three major RCTs that were published but amplified flawed observational mathematics models that confirmed their bias.
Epidemiology at the moment is one step above astrology. In fact, I'm thinking astrology has more merit. It's more honest.
Epidemiology done right is rational and scientific. "Done right" means following the techniques of John Snow, the English physician who is the father of epidemiology, and who literally stopped an outbreak of cholera in London in the 1850s with nothing more than a map and a pencil.
Pushing for the ridiculous wearing of masks just will not fade into oblivion. Is this because the puppet masters of the plandemic need this to demonstrate the power of their persuasiveness to control sheeple?
And the TV commercials hyping slab jabs continue nonstop.
Why the mask nonsense lives on is truly a mystery. Most parts of the country have been without a mask mandate for most of the year, yet no one has died from not wearing a mask.
I cancelled my subscription to Scientific American years ago. They're just another propaganda rag.
Absent from this discussion is the fact that industrial hygienists (IH) are PPE experts and professionally recommend levels of protection for industrial applications, such as removal of mold and asbestos. During the peek of the pandemic I saw ONE video on social media from an industrial hygienists pleading with a local school board to reverse their mask mandate on children and adults alike, as they do more harm than good. IH use scientific FACT along with long established LAW to recommend appropriate PPE for public employee application of PPE, yet these experts have been eliminated from the discussion. If you want an idea of what PPE is necessary to prevent the spread of a virus, look at what scientists wear in a level 4 biolab. Full negative pressure suits. Bam. Also ignored is the fact that more people died of bacterial pneumonia than the Spanish Flu in 1918 - due to overuse of facemasks. The solution? Put patients outdoors, maskless, in the fresh air and sunshine. Virus defeated.
I should like to make a small request:
Do you have any online sources or documents that I can reference? I like to have as many primary sources as I can get.
Those are some excellent points! I hadn't thought about industrial hygienists and their PPE guidelines. I'll have to add that to the research reading list for the next time this masking nonsense comes up.
Because you know there will be a next time.
That's great! A casualty of the cancel culture! Also, I am 22 years US Army, Combat Medic (5 years) and Medical Service officer (17 years). Trained in biological warfare survival for all that time. We used FILTERED protective masks, hoods, gloves, boots, suits, self-decon, and other survival techniques, NONE of which include the wearing of a surgical mask. Since I worked with docs and nurses, I only ever saw surgical masks in use in surgery or in a negative pressure room with TB patients. Surgical masks were designed to reduce the risk of BACTERIAL contamination of the surgical field. NOT designed to wear while walking, daily activity, talking much. If a mask is TOUCHED, becomes MOIST/WET, SOILED in any way, it is considered CONTAMINATED and must be replaced. The BOX in which surgical masks come in have a DISCLAIMER printed on the outside of the box stating they are NOT effective against COVID-19 (or any virus for that matter). Early on, February 2020, CDC stated masks were ineffective against viruses, but they wanted everyone to wear one to 'remind everyone there was a Pandemic going on' and to do all the other things possible to protect themselves. I knew DOCTORS who would NOT use PPE because they wanted to get the illness so that their body could produce ANTIBODIES. Our immune systems WORK (for most of use who are not immunocompromised). God help us, this profound ignorance of basic human biology. Keep up the good fight! Signed, a retired public school health educator and administrator. ;-)
Thank you for the encouragement. So long as I can speak the truth, I shall continue to do so.
I'm stubborn... can't really do anything else! 😉
Outstanding! God bless you!
This was my favorite part:
"Respiratory viruses have rebounded hard after COVID seclusion..."
Those idiots have.been hiding in their homes for almost 3 years.
Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat. ― Ralph Ellison
When the "experts" were scratching their heads over the rise in incidence of pediatric hepatitis, one of the theories they put forward was that children were "immunologically naive" having been in lockdown, isolation, and practicing social distancing because of COVID.
In other words, they basically ADMITTED the lockdowns made people sicker, but made no apologies.
Apologies mean responsibility and liability. We will never see that.
If people are scared, stay home, the rest of us want to live our lives.
I'm not expecting apologies, but the shamelessness and chutzpah required to use one's own ineptitude (or worse) to demonstrate expertise is nothing short of astonishing.
Thank you for that unapologetic review of the basis on which we make decisions. It is crucial that your argument be made often and much. Unapologetically!
If there is a subway rider prone to sneeze due to an infection, yes, a mask over his/her face would be useful. But all the other riders? They’re not doing aerosol-creating surgery, so masking is useless. Except as a badge of compliance with tyranny.
What's amazing is how they keep recycling the same face mask studies as if they were never debunked in the first place.
Whenever I revisit a topic I at least check to see what updates there might be to the data.
Unscientific American. In the good old days many a train ride from Niagara to Montreal turned into a wonderful journey of discovery, of fascination. Reading that journal was one of the joys of life.
Alas, the truth itself has been so deeply subverted in our society that even Sci Am and other health profession journals went woke. Rags of CRT. Making them obscenely irrelevant. Thankfully, trains have windows, out of which the traveller looks, observes, learns and ponders.
Have you seen the editor of SA? She practices and is a pedlar of superstition.
Pseudoscientific American.
Indeed, the literature up to 2020 showed masks to be ineffective. The body of evidence against its use is overwhelming in both community and hospital settings. It's worth noting from the day the mask was invented and used in hospitals it was met with skepticism from doctors. They were originally meant for BACTERIA and not viruses.
Either these two are not good at what they do or they have an agenda. They conflate the two thus misleading people. Only; they can answer if this is done on purpose. Epidemiologists are NOT PPE experts. They're germ chasers. A physicist is far more qualified to discuss masks.
Epidemiology is more art than science. This is why they're accepting unreliable 'mathematical models ' as their base for evidence rather than RCTs. I notice that every epidemiologist here who screamed for masks IGNORED the three major RCTs that were published but amplified flawed observational mathematics models that confirmed their bias.
Epidemiology at the moment is one step above astrology. In fact, I'm thinking astrology has more merit. It's more honest.
Not a doctor but I do believe viruses and bacteria interact in the body.
Could be. That would make sense. But the original reason for masks was to prevent bacteria from spreading in the OR.
Epidemiology done right is rational and scientific. "Done right" means following the techniques of John Snow, the English physician who is the father of epidemiology, and who literally stopped an outbreak of cholera in London in the 1850s with nothing more than a map and a pencil.
Models are a poor substitute for data.
Done right. Yes.
It has not been done right since 2020.
Brother, you ain't kidding!
A thorough debunking yet again Peter.
Pushing for the ridiculous wearing of masks just will not fade into oblivion. Is this because the puppet masters of the plandemic need this to demonstrate the power of their persuasiveness to control sheeple?
And the TV commercials hyping slab jabs continue nonstop.
Why the mask nonsense lives on is truly a mystery. Most parts of the country have been without a mask mandate for most of the year, yet no one has died from not wearing a mask.
Yes a mystery, IMO being fueled by evil intent.
That is quite probable.