Would love our WEF country of Canada to follow suit.....

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We need to keep our eyes on the potential ratification of the WEF/WHO's pandemic treaty in the near future.We're not out of the woods by a long shot!

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Exactly right. There is a lot going on behind the scenes like digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currency, etc.

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Good to hear. How do we ensure it never happens again? They completely ignored and abandoned long-established ethical and scientific standards, setting a terrible precedent and breaking laws along the way.

Canada is a long way from this. The clowns in charge still talk like it's 2020-21.

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Hmm, are the Kiwis pending any elections in the near future?

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If their elections are like ours here in California, the machines are inundated with CCP malware and backdoor. Of course, everyone is in denial


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My guess is these machines and these election stealing tactics are far more widespread than just here in CA. (And it's not just Democrats who are in on this; Republicans have been caught cheating, too.) As painful as it is to admit, voting in the U.S. Empire is probably a worthless endeavor, at least in battleground places; i.e., places that Democrats see as must-win.

Bottom line: The era of reasonably free and fair elections is over. They mastered the art of election fraud in the 2018 mid-terms, especially in CA. They then moved on to the 2020 Presidential election, and we saw that happen almost in real time. Even though more people are aware of the potential for cheating, and more people are watching, my suspicion is they will find a way to win wherever they need to. Interesting times.

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But JVS, are they ready to give up "The Big Show" of pretending government is acting responsibly and lawfully? Or will they, as predicted by history, allow some Republican (Communism-lite) control to argue about partially rolling back some of the Communist policies enacted while actually doing nothing (but laughing all the way to the bank and then the pedo party).

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They will never give up "The Big Show." The most important thing to remember is that none, not one, of our enlightened politicians is ever allowed to run, let alone win, public office without having been vetted and approved by TPTB; i.e., the international banking cartel, centered in the City of London, who owns and operated every facet of government, likely down to the local level. With that understanding, it is also critical to remember that all of this back and forth, all of this right-v-left, all of the nail biting around "close" elections is nothing more than political theater designed to give Americans the illusion of choice. But, in the end, no single politician or political party will ever be allowed to upset the apple cart that is using Congressional money laundering to syphon the wealth of Americans, through taxes and money printing, into the pockets of the predator banking class. If more people understood that, and acted on that understanding, we might be able to turn this around. But they won't understand, they won't even try to look under hood, because they have been propagandized into mindless sheeple.

Okay, sorry for rambling. It doesn't matter who wins; endless war, endless and growing surveillance, endless wealth transfer, all will continue apace. We need to break the system down completely and start over. We are on our own.

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