Here is a god article from last September on vaccination increasing your chance of infection.


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I somewhat recall seeing that study. It is one of a growing number of studies dating back to 2021 showing that the inoculations are positively correlated to increasing COVID infection. Those studies all confirm the statistical signals Kyle Beattie uncovered with his Bayesian analysis, and which can be seen in the rates of infection as inoculation coverage increases in a country.



This touches on an important aspect of these studies. The ultimate measure of any drug's efficacy against COVID is going to be the broad epidemiological data. It is logically impossible to argue inoculation efficacy when COVID infections continue to rise even after the majority of a population has been inoculated. And while the precise significance eluded me at the time, the increased rates of infection observed in country after country that appeared AFTER inoculation coverage crosses the 50% threshold itself signals that the inoculations are contributing to that rate of infection.

So what all of these studies ultimately show is that those early signals from the epidemiological data were spot on, and shame on all the "experts" who ignored what the data has been shouting loudly since day one about the mRNA inoculations.

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Here is another one showing that repeated Covid vaccinations increase your chance of infection. However, part of the study is absurd where it claims that the vaccinated are much better protected against severe disease and death than those with natural immunity. I guess they had to throw Pharma a bone in order to be able to put something negative about their product in the paper. https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2022.307112

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"The significantly lower rates of all-cause ED visits, hospitalizations, and mortality in the vaccinated highlight the real-world benefits of vaccination. "

This one sentence reduces the entire study to pure garbage. What they're saying is that getting inoculated for COVID reduces your chance of winding up in the ER with a broken bone, being hospitalized due to a car accident, or dying because a random piano fell on you.

That's what "all-cause" means.

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I know it is preposterous and you are correct that I also cannot take the study seriously once I see such garbage. I was just looking at some other studies I had saved from late 2021/early 2022 and I saw another one that claimed that Covid vaccine immunity was superior to natural immunity. It is like claiming that the sun revolves around the earth. Straight absurd pharmaganda.

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What are the current totals for VAERS reports vs Covid deaths?

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"COVID itself is a dangerous and deadly disease posing unacceptable risk to us all, is categorically and demonstrably false."

Now to somehow dislodge this lie which was proven way back in 2020.

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