I think the CDC believes there is an emergency, but that emergency has to be with them getting caught lying and creating data crimes!!

Just kidding, nobody in power cares as long as the money spigot is left on---these are trying times with inflation and that second ski chalet for the mistress's housekeeper's poodle in Switzerland isn't going to buy itself.

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You do have a point.

But that money spigot is already getting shut off. Emergency or no emergency, the Biden Regime is slated to cut off government funding for the inoculations and boosters by early next year, which means private insurance companies are going to have to pick up the tab going forward.

Given the number of adverse event and mortality red flags we've seen from the VAERS data and other data sets, it seems to me an open question whether insurance companies are going to be willing to take on that liability, especially under the auspices of an EUA rather than full FDA approval.

The CDC's move is suggestive of the stage being set for the PHE declaration being allowed to expire in January--at which time all the EUAs are immediately cancelled . And with booster uptake practically not happening, it's going to be interesting watching the experts and Big Pharma howl like banshees when that happens.

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The EUA may end up being canceled, but the Feds will be called on to supply emergency funding to pay for all the drugs needed to treat the adverse side-effects. To me, the only way the funding ever goes off is through currency collapse.

Pharma sows pain and reaps money.

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At the moment, the Republicans in Congress are doing something useful (for a change!) and blocking the endless funding. That's the main reason the public funding is set to end for COVID treatments and inoculations even with the PHE in place.

Hopefully, should the GOP take control of Congress, the natural partisan politicking that has become the norm for Washington will keep that funding bottled up well into next year--by which time the moment will have past.

The CDC is throwing in the towel, and the media's treatment of the announcement hasn't been to complain, object, or propagandize against it. The Pandemic Panic Narrative is done, and everything that it spawned is starting to die off as well....thank God!

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