I have printed his speech out. I’d like to give it to others as I think people my age would rather read on paper like a real book. Online reading is distracting past a certain length. This was beyond excellent and thanks for your commentary and the links to your other posts concerning this. A keeper. I’ll vote for wherever Bobby lands. T…
I have printed his speech out. I’d like to give it to others as I think people my age would rather read on paper like a real book. Online reading is distracting past a certain length. This was beyond excellent and thanks for your commentary and the links to your other posts concerning this. A keeper. I’ll vote for wherever Bobby lands. There is true power in his words. “ It’s the children, stupid”. To coin a phrase. The “villages” are failing them. The hell of child trans ideology is in my close family and the chronic diseases it promotes.
Hi Janet - I was empathizing with your despair the other day, in your previous post, and wanted to add: remember how we spent our entire youth worrying about nuclear Armageddon? For years, it was ‘one minute to midnight’ on the clock of mutual destruction from atomic weapons - but here we are decades later and the destruction still hasn’t happened! We thought we’d never get to live our full lifespan, that it was a hopeless situation. But the lesson of life is that things seldom turn out the way you think they will, so there is still hope for a brighter future for America. Let’s keep working to make that happen!
I have printed his speech out. I’d like to give it to others as I think people my age would rather read on paper like a real book. Online reading is distracting past a certain length. This was beyond excellent and thanks for your commentary and the links to your other posts concerning this. A keeper. I’ll vote for wherever Bobby lands. There is true power in his words. “ It’s the children, stupid”. To coin a phrase. The “villages” are failing them. The hell of child trans ideology is in my close family and the chronic diseases it promotes.
Hi Janet - I was empathizing with your despair the other day, in your previous post, and wanted to add: remember how we spent our entire youth worrying about nuclear Armageddon? For years, it was ‘one minute to midnight’ on the clock of mutual destruction from atomic weapons - but here we are decades later and the destruction still hasn’t happened! We thought we’d never get to live our full lifespan, that it was a hopeless situation. But the lesson of life is that things seldom turn out the way you think they will, so there is still hope for a brighter future for America. Let’s keep working to make that happen!