"Western assurances that not every crude oil tanker should have to prove that it has proper coverage."

Turkey: If you're going to ask us to make SOME people's tankers prove they have proper coverage, then it's only fair that everyone's tankers will have to do the same.

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I suspect Turkey's overly officious approach to the insurance question is their way of balancing their relations with western powers and their relations with Russia.

From the start of Putin's war in Ukraine Turkey has worked mightily to play both sides. Being anal retentive on the insurance question is their way of making sure both sides feel the pinch.

However, their approach arguably is putting an undue burden on a country that has not really been involved in the Ukraine situation: Kazakhstan. A number of the delayed tankers are reportedly carrying Kazakh crude (most of which is also exported via the Russian port of Novorossiysk). How that will impact Russia's efforts to be a player in Central Asia remains to be seen.

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