Marketing hype and ideological agendas are to be expected even in the business of medicine. However, they are antithetical to the scientific assessments intrinsic to the sound practice of medicine.
While it might have been theoretically conceivable even at the beginning that mRNA technology would allow for more rapid vaccine development, it was never plausible that mRNA technology could be evaluated for efficacy and safety faster than existing vaccines and vaccine development technology.
Which makes the "misplaced optimism" itself yet another lie of the serial liars.
I think your comparison to Lysenko is a good one because there are certainly parallels. I only had enough time to skim the article you mentioned in your reply, but I think your statement that "Under Lysenko's leadership, scientific truth was always subordinate to political truth" nails it on the head. Fauci has always been proud of being able to adjust to whatever political winds are blowing.
It was and is an expression of what I call Faucism, which is the latest incarnation of scientific bastardization previously known as Lysenkoism.
Marketing hype and ideological agendas are to be expected even in the business of medicine. However, they are antithetical to the scientific assessments intrinsic to the sound practice of medicine.
While it might have been theoretically conceivable even at the beginning that mRNA technology would allow for more rapid vaccine development, it was never plausible that mRNA technology could be evaluated for efficacy and safety faster than existing vaccines and vaccine development technology.
Which makes the "misplaced optimism" itself yet another lie of the serial liars.
I think your comparison to Lysenko is a good one because there are certainly parallels. I only had enough time to skim the article you mentioned in your reply, but I think your statement that "Under Lysenko's leadership, scientific truth was always subordinate to political truth" nails it on the head. Fauci has always been proud of being able to adjust to whatever political winds are blowing.