Clearly, you’re not paying attention.
Clearly, you’re not taking the (fake) news media seriously about the deadly Omicron “wave” washing over the Northeast, filling up hospitals and making people feel not at all well.
Sigh….So let’s go over this again, shall we?
Omicron is “spiking” in the Northeast. Not spike protein, spiking, as in cases are rising, deaths are rising, hospitalizations are rising alarmingly.
We know this because the (fake) news media keeps telling us this is so.
An increase in infections that began in places including the Northeast and Puerto Rico is now being seen in other parts of the country. Cases will rise and fall going forward, but more worryingly, hospitalizations have started to increase as well — up 20% over two weeks. The decline in deaths has bottomed out at some 350 a day.
Want proof?
Well, look at New York. Oh, wait, cases have started dropping and deaths never rose to match.
But there was an increase in hospitalizations…sort of. Of course, there’s still plenty of spare staffed beds in New York hospitals, so the system is well within its capabilities.
Okay, let’s look at Florida. Those pesky vaccine skeptics in the Sunshine State have never learned anything about Pandemic Panic, so they’re undoubtedly being slammed with Omicron, right? Err….maybe not.
How about Texas? That unenlightened non-woke state surely can’t survive a virus. Oh…wait…um…
Okay, we’ll focus on the Northeast, where we know people are being victimized by Mother Nature (protests against the natural world coming soon to a woke community near you). Take Pennsylvania for example. Oh…their cases have dropped dramatically….
But look at their hospitals. Why, they barely have 20% spare capacity on staffed hospital beds. That’s a crisis right? (okay, maybe not)
Aha…here’s a state in serious trouble. Vermont! I knew there was a spike somewhere. Right in Bernie Sanders’ back yard too! Well, the cases were rising, and that’s what counts, surely.
And let’s not forget that they barely have 25% spare capacity on their hospital beds.
Now do you understand? Now do you get it? There’s a crisis out there because the media says there is, and that’s all that matters!
The reality of COVID-19 is that some people get sick, a few of those get seriously sick, and a few of those sadly die. Some will have extended health consequences, others—most—will bounce right back.
How serious is Omicron to you? Ultimately, that is for you to decide. You know the state of your body’s health better than anyone else, including your doctor and especially all the “experts” either working in government or just pontificating in the media.
For some people, Omicron and even COVID-19 overall is not a serious health risk. Other people might justifiably consider COVID-19 a very serious health risk.
Yet the data also reminds us that, however serious the disease can be to us individually, what it is not is a public health crisis demanding commitment of public resources. People are not dropping dead in the streets, and hospitals are not jam-packed to the rafters. These things are not happening.
Despite what the (fake) news media wants you to believe, there is not a “wave” of Omicron infections, and a 20% rise in the very small number of people admitted to hospital for COVID-19 yields a 20% larger very small number of people admitted to hospital for COVID-19.
Don’t ignore COVID-19. Wash your hands. Take your vitamins. Get plenty of sleep. And while you’re doing these sensible things, remember that this latest media-generated Omicron “wave” is not even a tiny ripple.
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
Peter said it. Doctors who cared about us Doctors early on said it.... Take vit D, C, Zinc. Banned, reviled.... salt of earth to ne
You know who NEVER SAID IT....cdc, nih, fda, Gates, Klaus.schwab@weforum.org, birks..at least that I ever heard