Sounds like we are going to get four more years of Biden.

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It’s just a bunch of establishment characters whistle past the graveyard at this point. It was all performance pretending that tax reform is the real issue and they are the real candidates.

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There is room for a policy debate on taxes. However, by far the bigger issue in front of us is rolling back the creeping authoritariansm of the federal government.

The next President must be committed to reducing the size and scope of the federal government or the Republic will not survive much longer.

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I had to sit through the debate because my mother had to watch it. The abominable lies spewed spewed about Russia and Ukraine, especially by Christie, Pence and Scott were predictable yet still nauseating.

Not a single one of them tied the billions lavished on Ukraine to US inflation.

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What offended me was the casual way they spoke of the need to "degrade Russia".

What they mean--what they and the moderators confirmed to be NATO's overall strategy in Ukraine--is that they believe US interests are served by perpetuating a war of attrition between Russia and Ukraine. "Degrade Russia" means exactly what I have been saying it was all along: attrit Russian military formations, grind up their army and their logistics, and use Ukrainians as the cannon fodder with which to do it.

From a military and geopolitical perspective the strategy has a certain Machiavellian logic to it. If one believes Great Power Competition is overall a good thing for the US it can even be a defensible strategy within that framework. It still means sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and Lord only knows how many civilian casualties, all in the name of "degrading Russia."

From the perspective of morality, humanity, and just basic decency the strategy is nothing short of appalling.

I agreed with Ron DeSantis when he said this war needs to end. He's the only one who said it and he didn't follow up with what that entails.

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Agree with your assessment. My fellow countrymen seem to relish bathing in propaganda radiated by complicit mainstream media instead of simply utilizing the amazingly bountiful knowledge finder at their fingertips.

I’ve lived a relatively long life and have often been shocked and saddened over abominable unjust and ungodly foreign policy decisions made by my government. The ongoing Ukraine conflagration IMO takes the cake.

It sure seems likely that WW3 is in the cards.


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Thank you so much for the summary! I think the statement no "Adults in the Room" is a pithy fact in so many arenas and very troubling. It seems like I'm living in a playground of immature rebellious make-believe, "taking sides" without thought, groupthink, no matter the topic and superlatives aren't even effective for all the yelling, blathering and conditioning by the mainstream media. This is where RFK Jr shines above all candidates, along with critical thinking and comprehensive answers, even though I don't agree with all of his stances. Thank you for being the Adult in the Room and doing the heavy lifting with excellent articles that report Facts, which are refreshing and provide necessary information and stability as I navigate the playground in reality.

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It's a damn shame RFK, Jr, didn't run for the GOP nomination.

THAT would have been a primary contest for the ages.

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Thanks for watching it for us.

Glad watched Tucker's interview with Bill O instead.

Again, thanks.

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I would say "my pleasure" but there was way too much cringe in that debate.

What is frustrating is that debates CAN be good messaging vehicles for the political parties as well as for the candidates. These primary debates should be a chance for the GOP to showcase the depth of the party's political bench. Just as in 2016, the GOP simply has a lot more candidates who nominally are able to rise to the demands of a national political campaign and have messages that deserve a listen.

The debates are supposed to be impactful political theater. Last night fell well short of that mark.

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Can you write in a Presidential Candidate if he’s taken off the ballot..

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Generally speaking, yes.

Each state has its own rules for write-in candidates (generally a bit of paperwork that has to be filed) for the write-in votes to be counted, but every state should permit write ins on the ballot.

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