Given that Robert Malone's involvement with mRNA research was at its earliest stages, and long before any thought had been given to mRNA as a platform for coronavirus vaccine delivery, it is perhaps a stretch to presume he "knew" that the mRNA inoculations from Pfizer and Moderna would be the descendant of his work.
Given that Robert Malone's involvement with mRNA research was at its earliest stages, and long before any thought had been given to mRNA as a platform for coronavirus vaccine delivery, it is perhaps a stretch to presume he "knew" that the mRNA inoculations from Pfizer and Moderna would be the descendant of his work.
That being said, all scientists and researchers must be held to account for any ethical shortcomings of their research.
We should hold Donald Trump to account for the mRNA inoculations, given his role in and defense of "Operation Warp Speed" which allowed Pfizer and Moderna wholly unconscionable shortcuts in vaccine development. By the same token, we should take a long and hard look at the ethical wisdom of using messenger RNA in medical treatments of any kind, and in that regard there should be an honest examination (ideally an objective examination, but that is unlikely, given the tenor of the times) of Robert Malone's role in messenger RNA development.
No one has the luxury of being without sin. Many if not most of the critics and opponents of the Pandemic Panic Narrative--including myself--were on the opposite side of the story when the SARS-CoV-2 virus first emerged from a Wuhan biolab. The initial reports coming out of China made it seem very much like a repeat of the 2003 SARS outbreak was unfolding, and even within the alternative media that was the narrative arc for a while.
Over time, as more and more of the numbers simply did not add up, questions began to be asked, and instead of answers, those doing the asking were attacked, vilified, censored, and silenced. (myself included). Yet to the extent we had a hand in the evolution of the Pandemic Panic Narrative, we still must stand up and answer for that.
That "we" includes even leading lights of the opposition to the mRNA inoculations such as Robert Malone.
Also note that mRNA was intended mostly as cancer cures. I think the risk-reward ratio is a bit different for when already having a lethal cancer and seeking a cure vs prevention of covid-19. I don't think mRNA itself is a doomed technology, just because these vaccines failed.
Given that Robert Malone's involvement with mRNA research was at its earliest stages, and long before any thought had been given to mRNA as a platform for coronavirus vaccine delivery, it is perhaps a stretch to presume he "knew" that the mRNA inoculations from Pfizer and Moderna would be the descendant of his work.
That being said, all scientists and researchers must be held to account for any ethical shortcomings of their research.
We should hold Donald Trump to account for the mRNA inoculations, given his role in and defense of "Operation Warp Speed" which allowed Pfizer and Moderna wholly unconscionable shortcuts in vaccine development. By the same token, we should take a long and hard look at the ethical wisdom of using messenger RNA in medical treatments of any kind, and in that regard there should be an honest examination (ideally an objective examination, but that is unlikely, given the tenor of the times) of Robert Malone's role in messenger RNA development.
No one has the luxury of being without sin. Many if not most of the critics and opponents of the Pandemic Panic Narrative--including myself--were on the opposite side of the story when the SARS-CoV-2 virus first emerged from a Wuhan biolab. The initial reports coming out of China made it seem very much like a repeat of the 2003 SARS outbreak was unfolding, and even within the alternative media that was the narrative arc for a while.
Over time, as more and more of the numbers simply did not add up, questions began to be asked, and instead of answers, those doing the asking were attacked, vilified, censored, and silenced. (myself included). Yet to the extent we had a hand in the evolution of the Pandemic Panic Narrative, we still must stand up and answer for that.
That "we" includes even leading lights of the opposition to the mRNA inoculations such as Robert Malone.
Also note that mRNA was intended mostly as cancer cures. I think the risk-reward ratio is a bit different for when already having a lethal cancer and seeking a cure vs prevention of covid-19. I don't think mRNA itself is a doomed technology, just because these vaccines failed.