So I got into a Twitter debate with someone about Dr. Blaylock’s peer-reviewed “truth bombs.” The results would be entertaining were it not for the sad reality of people actually believing some of the nonsense they Tweet.
The thread started with the usual ad hominem attack on Dr. Blaylock.
When I challenged her for a fact-based rebuttal of his article, she could not provide one.
Through multiple requests for even one link pointing to such a rebuttal (even a Tweet would have sufficed!), she never produced one.
Then she thought she’d get personal, and tried attacking my Substack (I should thank her for the publicity?). In particular, she took issue with my recent article on COVID risk assessment.
Which is fine—I welcome debate and even challenges on my work. I never claim to have all the answers, and if someone points out where my analysis is flawed, or highlights a fact I’ve overlooked, then so be it. I will learn something, and so will my readers. That is always my overarching objective.
But then the triggered Tweeter decided to drop this bit of trigglypuff twatwafflery:
If it’s COVID, it’s never personal health, only public health.
Consider the implications of what she tweeted: “Anything COVID related is about public health”.
If you are infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, that’s not a personal health issue, but a public health issue.
If you take or do not take the mRNA inoculations, that is not a personal health issue, but a public health issue.
If you wear or do not wear a face mask, that is not a personal health issue, but a public health issue.
If you wash or do not wash your hands (eew!), that is not a personal health issue but a public health issue.
Think about that. The state of your body is not a personal health issue, but a public health issue.
Why is it important to publish the facts, the data, and the evidence about COVID and the Pandemic Panic Narrative on every platform possible? That tweet is why. The groupthink that has taken hold among the wokesters (Sage would call them zombies—and after that tweet thread there’s no real argument to her assessment!) is itself a direct attack on your individual person, your individual health, and your individual liberty.
My stance is always a simple one: I trust in the power and the right of the individual to make his own choices; I trust in you. I do not trust “experts”.
Risk assessment in 2022:
1. Here is a threat. Trust us.
2. Do these things to avoid the threat, or else.
Scary, huh?