Most coverage of this extraordinary Project Veritas expose focuses on the statement that Pfizer is considering doing gain of function research. However, the more important aspects of this and the resulting Pfizer press release seem to me to be as follows - and I think I am agreeing with what Peter writes:
Most coverage of this extraordinary Project Veritas expose focuses on the statement that Pfizer is considering doing gain of function research. However, the more important aspects of this and the resulting Pfizer press release seem to me to be as follows - and I think I am agreeing with what Peter writes:
This is in the USA, but similar processes are at work in other countries and in academic journals in general. It seems to be common for other regulatory agencies to follow the lead of the FDA and NIH, especially in the COVID-19 crisis.
While other people in Jordon Walker's mRNA gene-therapy quasi-vaccine section of Pfizer are presumably more circumspect in their statements about their work, plans and entrenched corruption, they all are immersed in this corruption every work day of their lives. They benefit from it. They see it. They participate in it, such as by some of them hiring people who used to (supposedly) regulate their company's activities. They do not blow the whistle on it. So they - just like Jordon Walker - are 100% complicit in this corruption, which amongst other things has covered up the US government's role in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, forced quasi-vaccines on hundreds of millions of people (these are nowhere near as safe and effective as they are claimed to be). They have all systematically supported and participated in a process which has denied whole populations access to a variety of genuinely safe and effective early treatments.
This corruption kills millions of people, has been a major factor in, quite reasonably, destroying the trust we would ideally have in the medical profession. This corruption has blighted the lives of every person on Earth.
Jordon Walker's statements about corruption are surely honest and correct. The Pfizer press release did not try to disprove them - because they can't.
Secondly, the Pfizer admission that they create new viruses in the lab, based on genetic data downloaded from sequence repositories, shows that they do indeed create novel viruses. This may not be intended as "gain of function" research, but it is nonetheless the creation of novel viruses, known to infect humans. This means that through errors or any other unexpected developments they may create a virus which has greater or at least different infection capabilities than any previously in existence. This is perilous in the extreme, since we know that viruses do sometimes escape from the lab.
All the evidence is that SARS-CoV-2 is a lab escape of a virus deliberately adapted from a bat virus, to infect humans, as part of the US government funded Eco Health Alliance research program, which DARPA rejected (because it involved dangerous gain of function research) and which Fauci et al. approved. That was intended to be attenuated into a bat-infecting, non-lethal, self-replicating "vaccine" virus to be sprayed on wild bats so that they would spread it to other wild bats, according to the completely cockamamie hypothesis that this would immunise the bats against subsequently harbouring the development of viruses which could infect humans. All the documents are at: . I have not read it yet, but as best I understand it, former Eco Health Alliance staff member Andrew Huff's new book "The Truth About Wuhan" tells much the same story. See also for a further angle on the SARS-CoV-2 genome having characteristics which can only arise from a common gene splicing technique.
Now, due to the resulting pandemic and its disastrous response (the impact of which is now now reaching the scale of either of the two previous World Wars) there is a lot more funding for virologists all over the world to do even more such research, such as that in Boston involving mice. Alex Washburne warned that this proliferation of gain of function research is likely to lead to further pandemics. I immediately thought of Mickey Mouse, in Sorcerer's Apprentice segment of Walt Disney's astonishing 1940 animation "Fantasia". I found a frame, which is at the start of my article in which Mickey is flattened by the throng of new monomaniacal brooms he has just created, due to his mistaken attempt to destroy the single one which was causing him so much grief.
The current situation is no fantasy. We cannot escape it. Mickey, wide-eyed, afraid, run to the ground, represents all of humanity. Millions of us who should be alive have been killed already.
Virologists are perhaps the most dangerous profession on the planet. As far as I can tell, most of them deny that some in their profession created the progenitor of SARS-CoV-2 and likewise seek to deflect inquiries into its origins by promoting the zoonotic transfer theory. As Alex Washburne points out, SARS arose from zoonotic transfer, and there is large body of detailed evidence which show exactly how this occurred. Despite extraordinary pressure to find such evidence for zoonotic transfer as the origin of SARS-CoV-2, no such concrete, detailed, evidence to support this hypothesis has been found.
The etiology of this totally man-made series of disasters - SARs-CoV-2 existing and escaping to infect billions of people, and the disastrous pandemic response in most countries - must be explained by some mixture of ineptitude and corruption (or perhaps outright deliberate intent to harm and kill - but I see no evidence of this). Mere ineptitude can only be a fraction of the explanation. Corruption must explain the majority of the fetid environment in which these things occurred, and in which governments, virologists and all other such professions continue to resist proper investigation of the origins, and support the continuation of the vitamin D and early-treatment denying, disastrous, pandemic response.
Thanks to the efforts of Project Veritas, we have a clear statement of the existence and nature of the pervasive corruption which drives all the processes which have lead to the current disasters - and, for instance, the avoidance of improving everyone's 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels to at least the 50 ng/mL level required for proper immune system function: .
Regarding the possible gain of function techniques Pfizer mentions in its press release regarding the Jordon Walker allegations , in which they claimed their techniques are not gain of function, and are safe, I wrote, in my previous comment: "Pfizer admission that they create new viruses in the lab, based on genetic data downloaded from sequence repositories".
I wrote that recalling a website item I don't know recall, in which a technique was described which is probably benign. I recall that spike proteins were made in one lab in the USA and sent to another where they were used to create viruses. As best I understand this technique - and I am not a virologist - they would create a virus whose RNA did not contain any instructions for making a spike protein. They would then mix these in a solution with spike proteins which would presumably install themselves on the outside of the virus particle. If so, this technique may involve creating viruses with particular spike protein characteristics which are quite suitable for antibody binding assays or some other research, but which would be safe because the virus's own RNA would not contain instructions for making the spike protein. If such a virus infected a human cell, it would cause the cell to produce only the spikeless viruses, which would not be able to enter and infect other cells. Maybe the document I am thinking of concerned Pfizer, but I can't find it now.
Returning to the press release, the first technique was: " the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern". In principle this may not be gain of function, since they think they are making viruses which are functional replicas, in some important respects at least, of the real viruses they are researching. However, what if there is an error on their processes, so they create even small quantities of viruses with erroneously copied mRNA, which produce a new variation on the spike protein, or any other aspect of the whole virus? This may not be intended as gain of function, but it could generate novel viruses with infectious potential.
Technique 2 alludes to the possibility of such errors: "a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells." They are creating novel viruses with full infectious potential and enabling them to infect and so multiply in cell cultures presumably containing human or human-like cells. This could easily lead to novel, infectious, viruses. The fact they do it in a BSL3 lab indicates the dangerous nature of this technique - yet we know that no such lab arrangements are absolutely guaranteed not to allow escape. ("Escape" may mean infecting one of the lab staff - as well as whole viruses somehow getting into the wild.)
The description of technique 3 overlaps somewhat with that of technique 2: "in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus." While this is not constructing a virus and its RNA by splicing existing segments of mRNA, or creating a genome partly or wholly from codon data in an electronic file, it is still intended to select positively for viral mutations which make the virus less susceptible to the RNA copy fidelity interference mechanism of nirmatrelvir. (These names are a form of torture . . . .) They claim that such trials are required by regulators. Maybe they are, but Pfizer is still deliberately running a process which is intended to prompt the evolution of infectious viruses, with their full RNA, which are resistant to this particular antiviral drug.
Most coverage of this extraordinary Project Veritas expose focuses on the statement that Pfizer is considering doing gain of function research. However, the more important aspects of this and the resulting Pfizer press release seem to me to be as follows - and I think I am agreeing with what Peter writes:
Firstly, Jordon Walker explicitly states that the pharmaceutical companies have systematically and successfully captured the regulatory agencies which are intended to regulate them. This confirms what we know or can reasonably conclude based on numerous other observations and revelations. From the government side, see Christopher Cole's masterclass in regulatory capture of the FDA:, a partial transcript of which is at: .
This is in the USA, but similar processes are at work in other countries and in academic journals in general. It seems to be common for other regulatory agencies to follow the lead of the FDA and NIH, especially in the COVID-19 crisis.
While other people in Jordon Walker's mRNA gene-therapy quasi-vaccine section of Pfizer are presumably more circumspect in their statements about their work, plans and entrenched corruption, they all are immersed in this corruption every work day of their lives. They benefit from it. They see it. They participate in it, such as by some of them hiring people who used to (supposedly) regulate their company's activities. They do not blow the whistle on it. So they - just like Jordon Walker - are 100% complicit in this corruption, which amongst other things has covered up the US government's role in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, forced quasi-vaccines on hundreds of millions of people (these are nowhere near as safe and effective as they are claimed to be). They have all systematically supported and participated in a process which has denied whole populations access to a variety of genuinely safe and effective early treatments.
This corruption kills millions of people, has been a major factor in, quite reasonably, destroying the trust we would ideally have in the medical profession. This corruption has blighted the lives of every person on Earth.
Jordon Walker's statements about corruption are surely honest and correct. The Pfizer press release did not try to disprove them - because they can't.
Secondly, the Pfizer admission that they create new viruses in the lab, based on genetic data downloaded from sequence repositories, shows that they do indeed create novel viruses. This may not be intended as "gain of function" research, but it is nonetheless the creation of novel viruses, known to infect humans. This means that through errors or any other unexpected developments they may create a virus which has greater or at least different infection capabilities than any previously in existence. This is perilous in the extreme, since we know that viruses do sometimes escape from the lab.
All the evidence is that SARS-CoV-2 is a lab escape of a virus deliberately adapted from a bat virus, to infect humans, as part of the US government funded Eco Health Alliance research program, which DARPA rejected (because it involved dangerous gain of function research) and which Fauci et al. approved. That was intended to be attenuated into a bat-infecting, non-lethal, self-replicating "vaccine" virus to be sprayed on wild bats so that they would spread it to other wild bats, according to the completely cockamamie hypothesis that this would immunise the bats against subsequently harbouring the development of viruses which could infect humans. All the documents are at: . I have not read it yet, but as best I understand it, former Eco Health Alliance staff member Andrew Huff's new book "The Truth About Wuhan" tells much the same story. See also for a further angle on the SARS-CoV-2 genome having characteristics which can only arise from a common gene splicing technique.
Now, due to the resulting pandemic and its disastrous response (the impact of which is now now reaching the scale of either of the two previous World Wars) there is a lot more funding for virologists all over the world to do even more such research, such as that in Boston involving mice. Alex Washburne warned that this proliferation of gain of function research is likely to lead to further pandemics. I immediately thought of Mickey Mouse, in Sorcerer's Apprentice segment of Walt Disney's astonishing 1940 animation "Fantasia". I found a frame, which is at the start of my article in which Mickey is flattened by the throng of new monomaniacal brooms he has just created, due to his mistaken attempt to destroy the single one which was causing him so much grief.
The current situation is no fantasy. We cannot escape it. Mickey, wide-eyed, afraid, run to the ground, represents all of humanity. Millions of us who should be alive have been killed already.
Virologists are perhaps the most dangerous profession on the planet. As far as I can tell, most of them deny that some in their profession created the progenitor of SARS-CoV-2 and likewise seek to deflect inquiries into its origins by promoting the zoonotic transfer theory. As Alex Washburne points out, SARS arose from zoonotic transfer, and there is large body of detailed evidence which show exactly how this occurred. Despite extraordinary pressure to find such evidence for zoonotic transfer as the origin of SARS-CoV-2, no such concrete, detailed, evidence to support this hypothesis has been found.
The etiology of this totally man-made series of disasters - SARs-CoV-2 existing and escaping to infect billions of people, and the disastrous pandemic response in most countries - must be explained by some mixture of ineptitude and corruption (or perhaps outright deliberate intent to harm and kill - but I see no evidence of this). Mere ineptitude can only be a fraction of the explanation. Corruption must explain the majority of the fetid environment in which these things occurred, and in which governments, virologists and all other such professions continue to resist proper investigation of the origins, and support the continuation of the vitamin D and early-treatment denying, disastrous, pandemic response.
Thanks to the efforts of Project Veritas, we have a clear statement of the existence and nature of the pervasive corruption which drives all the processes which have lead to the current disasters - and, for instance, the avoidance of improving everyone's 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels to at least the 50 ng/mL level required for proper immune system function: .
The press release this expose prompted confirms the accusations. So this Project Veritas episode is highly significant in the scheme of things. Just as telling about the pervasive nature of the corruption is the fact that apart from Tucker Carlson's video and an apparently dismissive mention he refers to, which I have not seen, in Newsweek, the mainstream media has not to my knowledge reported any of this.
So how can we avoid the conclusion that governments and most mainstream media are in lock-step, supporting the corruption which has killed millions?
Regarding the possible gain of function techniques Pfizer mentions in its press release regarding the Jordon Walker allegations , in which they claimed their techniques are not gain of function, and are safe, I wrote, in my previous comment: "Pfizer admission that they create new viruses in the lab, based on genetic data downloaded from sequence repositories".
I wrote that recalling a website item I don't know recall, in which a technique was described which is probably benign. I recall that spike proteins were made in one lab in the USA and sent to another where they were used to create viruses. As best I understand this technique - and I am not a virologist - they would create a virus whose RNA did not contain any instructions for making a spike protein. They would then mix these in a solution with spike proteins which would presumably install themselves on the outside of the virus particle. If so, this technique may involve creating viruses with particular spike protein characteristics which are quite suitable for antibody binding assays or some other research, but which would be safe because the virus's own RNA would not contain instructions for making the spike protein. If such a virus infected a human cell, it would cause the cell to produce only the spikeless viruses, which would not be able to enter and infect other cells. Maybe the document I am thinking of concerned Pfizer, but I can't find it now.
Returning to the press release, the first technique was: " the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern". In principle this may not be gain of function, since they think they are making viruses which are functional replicas, in some important respects at least, of the real viruses they are researching. However, what if there is an error on their processes, so they create even small quantities of viruses with erroneously copied mRNA, which produce a new variation on the spike protein, or any other aspect of the whole virus? This may not be intended as gain of function, but it could generate novel viruses with infectious potential.
Technique 2 alludes to the possibility of such errors: "a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells." They are creating novel viruses with full infectious potential and enabling them to infect and so multiply in cell cultures presumably containing human or human-like cells. This could easily lead to novel, infectious, viruses. The fact they do it in a BSL3 lab indicates the dangerous nature of this technique - yet we know that no such lab arrangements are absolutely guaranteed not to allow escape. ("Escape" may mean infecting one of the lab staff - as well as whole viruses somehow getting into the wild.)
The description of technique 3 overlaps somewhat with that of technique 2: "in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus." While this is not constructing a virus and its RNA by splicing existing segments of mRNA, or creating a genome partly or wholly from codon data in an electronic file, it is still intended to select positively for viral mutations which make the virus less susceptible to the RNA copy fidelity interference mechanism of nirmatrelvir. (These names are a form of torture . . . .) They claim that such trials are required by regulators. Maybe they are, but Pfizer is still deliberately running a process which is intended to prompt the evolution of infectious viruses, with their full RNA, which are resistant to this particular antiviral drug.
We can't.
Because that was a proven reality even without COVID. Just the history of Nunn-Lugar and DTRA gets you there.
I had not heard of these, but a web search takes me to: and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency: I know next to nothing about these, or why they provide evidence for the existence of government and press corruption which may kill millions of people.
Was something I covered when the manufactured furor over biological laboratories in Ukraine was all the rage.