Excellent article - Expert = paid shill = narcissist

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What's bizarre is they all seem to espouse the same 'reasoning'. She sounds EXACTLY like the clown epidemiologists and behavioural scientists here in Canada who believe people can't make their own decisions without their hallowed guidance.

Or is it that the media is just finding the Zero Covid buffoons?

Either way, they're quacks.

And they're everywhere like zombies. Just a random example:


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What are the odds Tyler Black prescribes his own meds?

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A super-hyper rare QUADRUPLE BRAVO here!!!

Superb, Peter, simply put, SUPERB!!!!

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We should never forget, despite all the demonization, accusation and projection done by the other side, that "WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS."

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Excellent work, Peter.

She needs to do a risk assessment on sounding like a brainwashed zombie.

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Boy, do zombies love masks.

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It's the sort of zombie spew that goes right to the heart of why I started All Facts Matter: give people the facts and evidence and let them decide for themselves what to do with it.

Anyone making their premise the idea that people aren't capable of making their own choices will always get a ration of grief from me. I reject that contention categorically.

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Do you have any theory about who she is speaking to? Performing for? And why?

See this is where my thoughts ALWAYS go!

I realize that this is distinct between us, but that's why I ask. I like to check theories against other's insights. No right or wrong. And it's always dicey to assume intentions, for sure.

But that's where I came up with the Zombie analogy. I actually looked up Zombie and found the roots of the lore. It's a being controlled by another being, a witch doctor.

"Zombies are featured widely in Haitian rural folklore as dead persons physically revived by the act of necromancy of a bokor, a sorcerer or witch. The bokor is opposed by the houngan (priest) and the mambo (priestess) of the formal voodoo religion. A zombie remains under the control of the bokor as a personal slave, having no will of its own"

Who is her "bokor"?

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Broadly speaking, she's speaking to that population cohort that has internalized the subtext of personal helplessness that is prevalent through so many messages being broadcast by "establishment" authorities these days.

But she's also invested in that same "I'm helpless" mentality, as she claimed that a personal risk assessment for COVID was impossible even for her, who presumably does this professionally--which is absurd, as if she cannot assess risk for one person (herself) how could she possibly hope to assess risk for any group of people?

She's reflecting the collectivist "we can only exist as part of a group" mentality that libertarians such as myself reject entirely. If Ayn Rand were alive and writing today she would be writing about Faucism and COVID-19 paranoia, bringing the same condemnation of collectivist thinking to bear that she used in "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged".

As for who's pulling her strings? From one single essay there is no way to know for certain. She's in academia, which makes her a part of the group most opposed to individual thought and expression around, but I have no way to divine who's leading her around by the nose.

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“It is the pinnacle of arrogance to assume that whatever it is that “the experts” believe now is in fact the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Scientists have believed and public health officials have promoted many wrong things over the years, for both honorable, and not so honorable reasons. Sometimes the public health message is dead wrong.”

― Heather E. Heying

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The ironic reality of all scientific endeavor is that it is a steady progression from one error to the next.

The perversity of Faucism and like ideological distortions of science is that they refuse to admit their own capacity for error.

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