Yes, I saw this news and debated whether to cover it. It seems like a host of mystery diseases have been cropping up lately.

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Yeah, I debated that one myself.

I'm not sure how many are genuine mysteries and how many are just merely overreactions to the ever-present "flu like symptoms".

What tipped the scale was the recollection of seeing the first news reports of a "pneumonia of unknown etiology" coming out of China in December 2019.


People forget just how small this pandemic started as.

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I want to know if any one of those victims are vaccinated.

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Poor monkey pox isn’t even going to get 6 months of fear porn.

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The poor monkey came and went.

Which is perversely appropriate, I would say.

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From what I have read on other sources, HIV is also quite high in that area of the world so we could be dealing with the double whammy of immune compromization from co morbidity furthered by other injections. What about activation of latent viruses? Sure not everything is COVID or jab related but could be….or is it another weapon? Or is it nothing? Watching it and time will tell

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They have not started the panic yet because they can't decide on a name for this new baby.

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Quite possibly.

They might also be waiting on a few more cases....although the COVID-19 "pandemic" began with reports of roughly the same number of pneumonia cases.

While the rational empiricist in me cannot see any way a replay of the COVID_19 Pandemic Panic Narrative would have even a fraction of the traction that narrative has had, especially early on, the cynic in me suspects corporate media at the very least will be tempted to try if there's any hint of a widespread contagion risk from this novel pathogen (and, to be clear, at this point we do not even have certainty on what has caused the underlying pneumonia, and it remains very much a pneumonia of unknown etiology....just as SARS-CoV-2 was in December of 2019).

But, if the rational skeptical view of these pneumonia cases can get even some traction before the Pandemic Panic Narrative gets set, that narrative will be significantly weakened even before it has a chance to get started.

So...forewarned is forearmed. I hope.

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Geert will not be denied, ladies.

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That assumes it is a form of coronavirus. Presumably all tests for coronavirus on these pneumonia cases have come back negative.

Going just by incubation period it seems unlikely this would be one of the usual infectious respiratory viruses (influenza, coronavirus, adenovirus, RSV, rhinovirus)--with the caveat that while as of this morning there was not a reported spread beyond the initial 9 cases which should move us past the normal incubation periods for just about everything except hantavirus, reporting lags could very quickly change that.

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