Steve Kirsch is a fraud.

However, that does mean I disagree with the data on MS and other injuries brought on by the injections.

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Some of his claims are problematic. However, he does cite actual studies and other evidences, and he does raise the broader question of autoimmune diseases in conjunction with the mRNA inoculations.

Given the popularity of his Substack, it made sense to acknowledge that.

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And it gets worse......https://anandamide.substack.com/p/dna-contamination-in-8-vials-of-pfizer

Its SV40 all over again, with extra sprinkles.


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Doctors baffled.

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“How many Red Flags are enough?”

Peter Nayland Kust

I don't know how people can consider this to be less than a bioweapon. Just looking at the myriad of potential "side" effects lends that determination.

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The term "bioweapon" has, in my opinion, been overused. Strictly speaking, any therapeutic can be termed a bioweapon, as most all of them have at least some capacity to do harm. Opioids and fentanyl come to mind.

However, the potentials for harm from the mRNA inoculations are so great and so broad that discerning between malice and stupidity among inoculation advocates quickly becomes a distinction without a difference.

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Peter, the Covid vaccination chart shows July 1 2020. It should be 2021. 😁👍🏻

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The trials were in the fall of 2020. Hence selecting it for comparison between the COVID and influenza shots. It captures all likely VAERS reports.

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Trials. Yes. Peter, do you believe in true evil? Supernatural evil manipulating humans? Just curious as it is the only way I can make sense of this whole thing and frankly much of history, IMHO. The internet and a global connectivity made it much easier for this to happen and this “evil” to infect minds, bodies and soul planet-wide. It’s very clear to me now. I also believe in a supernatural led “good”. That is clear to me also.

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I don't believe that anything is "supernatural". All that exists within this universe is, by definition, "natural". That we do or do not understand a thing is ultimately, not relevant.

As for evil itself, we truly have no need for belief, for the evidence of evil's existence is beyond dispute.

But even if it should be that there is a malicious sentience that is the author of all evil influences, it is still incumbent upon people to make good choices, to resist the temptations of evil and align with the rewards of good.

This I do believe: we will all be called to account for all our choices and actions. We will be judged not by the size of our treasure chest, but by how well we treated our fellow human beings, and how well we exercised good stewardship over the Earth.

How will those who choose money and power be judged, and how will those who choose love and compassion be judged?

Will I be found to be one of the sheep or one of the goats?

I believe these and similar questions should be uppermost in our thoughts daily.

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Kind of thought so.

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One of my good friends developed autoimmune hepatitis soon after her second primary jab. She went through hell. She is better but on meds for the rest of her life. The first visit to a doctor complaining of extreme bloating and pain resulted in the doctor telling her to buy a box of Gas-X. The second visit the next week as she was in acute pain and frightened sent her to the ER. She doesn’t get the connection, sadly. That was June 2021. She only joined a more normal life again late 2022. Surreal times we live in.

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Correlation is not causation but it is always connection. By definition.

Which means we have an abundance of evidence yet again showing that "something" is wrong with the shots. Historically, that should be enough to pull them until more research shows them to be safe.

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ABSOLUTELY! My friends are still lining up. I’m the nutcase. I can live with that as I wake up every morning knowing I resisted and those jabs aren’t in me.

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