Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple Missed Red Flags, You Mean
The Data Was ALWAYS There
Both Steve Kirsch and Stephanie Brail have recently called to everyone’s attention a study promulgated (and then deleted) by the WHO correlating the COVID-19 mRNA inoculations to cases of multiple-sclerosis.
Steve Kirsch referenced the now missing study as a point of departure for arguing that the inoculations are responsible for over 25,000 cases of multiple sclerosis:
A paper abstract that appeared on the WHO website created quite a stir because it showed the biological mechanism for how COVID vaccines can induce multiple sclerosis.
Stephanie Brail highlights the study to call attention to Dr. John Campbell’s video and Substack article doing a deep dive into the topic.
Dr. John Campbell explains this much better than I can in his above video (Rumble link here), but the short version is this:
The spike protein shares some commonalities with the proteins in the myelin sheath that protects nerve fibers; mRNA covid vaccination can apparently, inadvertently teach the body’s immune system to attack the myelin sheath, causing MS. Doh!
Dr. Campbell provides a succinct overview of the study and the relevant adverse effects of mRNA inoculation:
The problem is as well as interacting with the SARS coronavirus spike protein as they are supposed to, the T-helper cells also initiate an immune response to the myelin sheath within the central nervous system. If the myelin sheaths within the central nervous system are damaged this is referred to as demyelinating disease and of course the classic example of this pathology is multiple sclerosis.
However, this study as well as the additional studies referenced by Steve Kirsch also highlight yet again the extraordinary failure of both the CDC and the FDA to catch patently obvious safety signals and concerns about the mRNA inoculations.
These safety signals have been abundant from the very beginning. They have been published in peer-reviewed articles and studies even in 2021, shortly after the inoculations were in widespread use. They have been to the last completely ignored and disregarded by the very agencies whose job it is to pay attention to them.
To appreciate just how badly the CDC and FDA dropped the ball, we must first understand that what the study describes—and what both Kirsch and Dr. Campbell illuminate—is what is known as an autoimmune disease1.
A healthy immune system defends the body against disease and infection. But if the immune system malfunctions, it mistakenly attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Called autoimmune disease, these attacks can affect any part of the body, weakening bodily function and even turning life-threatening.
MS itself has long been known as an autoimmune disease2.
In MS, the immune system cells that normally protect us from viruses, bacteria, and unhealthy cells mistakenly attack myelin in the central nervous system (brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord). Myelin is a substance that makes up the protective sheath (myelin sheath) that coats nerve fibers (axons).
Autoimmune disorders are but one of the potential hazards of the mRNA inoculation, according to a new study3 published by the Multi-Disciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).
COVID-19 vaccines have been found to make the virus ‘more severe’ after vaccination, as well as increasing the risks of autoimmune disease, myocarditis, and cancer-cell growth. The news comes from a recent peer-reviewed study published by the Multi-disciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).
To be sure, autoimmune responses to vaccination are hardly a new phenomenon. Even the routine seasonal influenza shot has been associated with 212 cases of autoimmune diseases over the years, according to VAERS.
However, the COVID-19 inoculations are associated with more than ten times as many cases of autoimmune disease in VAERS just in the past two or so years.
The discrepancy becomes even greater when we apply a cutoff date of July 1, 2020, in order to get a true “apples to apples” comparison.
Influenza vaccine has been associated with 26 cases of autoimmune disease since July 1, 2020.
The COVID-19 inoculations, on the other hand, are associated with 2,841 cases of autoimmune disease since July 1, 2020.
In other words, over the same time frame, the COVID inoculations are associated with 109 times as many cases of autoimmune disease as influenza vaccines.
The CDC explicitly promised to pay attention to the safety signals emanating from VAERS. We already know that they lied about keeping that promise.
Now we see the damage done by their failure to keep that promise. Nearly 3,000 cases of autoimmune disease arguably caused by the COVID inoculations could have been prevented (in truth, it’s more like “at least” 3,000 cases, inasmuch as Steve Kirsch is almost certainly correct that the VAERS database underreports adverse events).
But why should it have even come down to even this dramatic a safety signal? The medial literature is replete with examples of the COVID inoculations causing or catalyzing autoimmune responses.
There is the April 13, 2021, case study of autoimmune hepatitis developing after COVID inoculation4.
To our knowledge, this is the first reported episode of autoimmune hepatitis developing post-COVID-19 vaccination, raising concern regarding the possibility of vaccine-induced autoimmunity.
There is the June 11, 2021, case study of a first manifestation of MS after COVID-19 inocuation (Pfizer/BioNTech)5.
A 28-year-old woman developed the first clinical manifestation of relapsing MS after vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2, Comirnaty©, BioNTech/Pfizer). Six days after the initially well-tolerated first immunization, she began to develop left abdominal neuropathic pain, sensory impairment below the T6 level, with hypoesthesia of right abdominal wall and genital regions, and left leg paresis.
There is the June 17, 2021 case study of autoimmune hepatitis following COVID-19 inoculation6.
Given the temporal sequence, results of biochemistry, immunological assays (Table S1) and typical histological changes on liver biopsy, diagnosis of DI-AIH due to the COVID19 vaccine is most plausible.
There is the July 7, 2021, case study of autoimmune hepatitis after COVID-19 inoculation7.
These findings raise the question as to whether COVID-19 mRNA vaccination can, through activation of the innate immune system and subsequent non-specific activation of autoreactive lymphocytes, lead to the development of autoimmune diseases including AIH or trigger a drug-induced liver injury with features of AIH.
There is the September, 2021 study of autoimmune hepatitis after COVID-19 inoculation8.
We report a well characterized case of acute severe autoimmune-like hepatitis in a 63-year old male without a history of autoimmune diseases, with symptom onset one week after the first dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. The patient responded well to prednisone treatment over two weeks. As for other similar cases recently reported in the literature, a causal link with the vaccine cannot be proven, but it is suggested by the temporal relationship in absence of other potential triggers or risk factors for AIH, which preferentially affects young or middle-aged women.
There is another September, 2021, case study of autoimmune hepatitis after COVID-19 inoculation9.
These reactions are due to an immune intolerance to self-antigens combined with a failure of intrinsic homeostatic systems that prevent a promiscuous immune response to these antigens.
There is the November 15, 2021, case study of undiagnosed MS after COVID-19 inoculation10.
Vaccines are proposed to cause an increased immune response, which in turn triggers the self-antigens of the immune system; however, there is no definitive causative association between the two. This paper reports a rare case of MS triggered a few days after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The time between vaccination and onset of symptoms favors this association, supported by the lab and imaging findings which confirmed the diagnosis. However, more data is needed regarding the association between COVID-19 vaccines and activation of MS or other autoimmune diseases.
There is the December 9, 2021, case series documenting new diagnoses of MS following COVID-19 inoculations11.
Acute neurological deficits in the setting of recent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine administration may represent new onset multiple sclerosis.
There is the August 19, 2022, meta-study of MS relapse after COVID-19 inoculation12.
Overall, the COVID-19 vaccination may trigger relapses in some MS patients
There is the study published in the upcoming issue of Autoimmunity Reviews establishing links between COVID inoculations and autoimmune diseases13 (emphasis mine).
It is important to emphasize that vaccines are generally safe and necessary for disease prevention. The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination significantly outweigh the theoretical risks, and we strongly encourage worldwide vaccination to build immune protection in the population. Nevertheless, it is our responsibility to remain vigilant and actively understand the serious adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines, critically evaluate vaccine safety, and increase public and healthcare worker awareness regarding vaccination. This will enable prompt identification, diagnosis, and treatment of these autoimmune diseases following vaccination through the recognition of their clinical and laboratory features.
These studies and case reports are all in addition to the research cited by Steve Kirsch, and in addition to the WHO-disclosed study which has given rise to these latest concerns over the dangers of the mRNA inoculations. These studies and case reports are far from being an exhaustive listing of the extant research connecting the mRNA inoculations to various autoimmune diseases.
The peer-reviewed literature has accepted the possibility of the mRNA inoculations causing autoimmune disease since April of 2021—more than two years ago. Given the numbers for autoimmune diseases appearing in VAERS, exactly how many of these red flags are needed before the CDC, the FDA, or even Big Pharma acknowledge what is patently obvious from the extant data—that the mRNA inoculations are making the immune system do way more than is intended?
Much as I asked early last year, “how many red flags are enough?”
Given the mendacity, idiocy, and incompetence we have seen from the CDC and the FDA throughout the pandemic era, it has become all too obvious the answer is “no number of red flags is enough. All red flags will be ignored.”
That the mRNA inoculations have the potential to cause paralytic autoimmune disease such as multiple sclerosis is scary and disturbing all on its own. Yet equally if not more scary and disturbing is the reality that the research, the data, the evidence highlighting this particular risk of the inoculations have all been in front of the CDC and the FDA from the time the COVID inoculations were first released. The CDC and the FDA have ignored every last safety signal and disconcerting data point.
The CDC and the FDA have failed completely in their mission of protecting the public health. Indeed, they have gone so far as to become themselves a danger to the public health. The red flags that have been raised over the COVID inoculations are also an equally stark warning about the dangers to health and safety posed by these public health bureaucracies.
The true takeaway from this latest warning about the mRNA shots and multiple sclerosis is that these presumptive guardians of the public health are the one thing more toxic and deadly than the shots themselves.
National Institute of Environmental Health Science. Autoimmune Diseases. 31 May 2022,
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Multiple Sclerosis. 2023,
Uversky, Vladimir N., et al. “IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein.” Vaccines, vol. 11, no. 5, May 2023, p. 991. Crossref,
Bril, F., et al. “Autoimmune Hepatitis Developing after Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccine: Causality or Casualty?” Journal of Hepatology, vol. 75, no. 1, 2021, pp. 222–24.
Havla, Joachim et al. “First manifestation of multiple sclerosis after immunization with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.” Journal of neurology vol. 269,1 (2022): 55-58. doi:10.1007/s00415-021-10648-w
Tan, C., et al. “Autoimmune Hepatitis Following COVID-19 Vaccination: True Causality or Mere Association?” Journal of Hepatology, vol. 75, no. 5, 2021, pp. 1250–52.
McShane, C., et al. “The MRNA COVID-19 Vaccine – A Rare Trigger of Autoimmune Hepatitis?” Journal of Hepatology, vol. 75, no. 5, 2021, pp. 1252–54.
Ghielmetti, M., et al. “Acute Autoimmune-like Hepatitis with Atypical Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody after MRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: A Novel Clinical Entity?” Journal of Autoimmunity, vol. 123, September 2021,
Rela, M., et al. “Auto-Immune Hepatitis Following COVID Vaccination.” Journal of Autoimmunity, vol. 123, 2021,
Tagliaferri, Ariana R et al. “A rare presentation of undiagnosed multiple sclerosis after the COVID-19 vaccine.” Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives vol. 11,6 772-775. 15 Nov. 2021, doi:10.1080/20009666.2021.1979745
Toljan, Karlo et al. “New diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in the setting of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine exposure.” Journal of neuroimmunology vol. 362 (2022): 577785. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroim.2021.577785
Nabizadeh, Fardin et al. “Multiple sclerosis relapse after COVID-19 vaccination: A case report-based systematic review.” Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia vol. 104 (2022): 118-125. doi:10.1016/j.jocn.2022.08.012
Guo, M., et al. “Insights into New-Onset Autoimmune Diseases after COVID-19 Vaccination.” Autoimmunity Reviews, vol. 22, no. 7, 2023,
One of my good friends developed autoimmune hepatitis soon after her second primary jab. She went through hell. She is better but on meds for the rest of her life. The first visit to a doctor complaining of extreme bloating and pain resulted in the doctor telling her to buy a box of Gas-X. The second visit the next week as she was in acute pain and frightened sent her to the ER. She doesn’t get the connection, sadly. That was June 2021. She only joined a more normal life again late 2022. Surreal times we live in.
“How many Red Flags are enough?”
Peter Nayland Kust
I don't know how people can consider this to be less than a bioweapon. Just looking at the myriad of potential "side" effects lends that determination.