Correct, they don't work as a mitigation against Covid. But they were very effective as a psychological weapon, a constant reminder that we should be afraid of the horrible pandemic! Without the masks, I'm confident most people would have shrugged it off by the end or 2020, i.e. before the toxic shots came on the scene.
Two years ago, January of 2021 I noticed an amazing contrast. I had spent the previous several months up in SE PA where indoor masking was mandatory. People were miserable, grumpy, and afraid there. Then we headed down to NE FL, as we normally do right after the holidays. There were no mask mandates here, and although some people wore them voluntarily, most did not. The difference in people's attitude was night and day. Things were darn close to normal here!
It is highly probable that, without things like masks to keep the Pandemic Panic Narrative alive in people's brains, the entire hooplah over COVID would have ended back in 2020.
It was demonstrable even by late summer of 2020 that the hospitalizations were not there.
Had the government done nothing at all and just let the virus virus, all of the resultant disruptions and dislocations of the past three years would never have happened.
Masks are such a hideous symbol of submission and slavery that even if they did give any kind of benefit at all, the psychological damage done to both the wearer and witnesses outweighs that argument tenfold. I cannot stand to even look at people who insist on wearing them.
If people choose to wear a face mask, that is their prerogative. If someone is symptomatic and wishes to do all he or she can to avoid transmission, I certainly do not want to criticize that intention, even if the action is not likely to be productive.
But the people who make the pretense that universal masking is scientifically supported are simply lying. And that is unconscionable.
Yes, I know you're right and I WISH that it wasn't a sonic boom level psychic attack. It's been unbearable right from the get go and the only way to deal with it is to armor up with anger. Arg, this continues to be such a powerful spiritual lesson; every day I wonder what the heck I was thinking when I decided to incarnate into this life.......
Define "work." If you define it as having any effect on stopping the spread of a "virus," you'd have to say they fail miserably. If, on the other hand, you define "work" as maintaining fear and control over (at least part of) the population, you'd have to say they work splendidly.
Yeh, when I saw her and three others (including David FIsman) push back on the review in an article in The Conversation I was floored and appalled.
What is it with these people and the masks? I find it troubling how they just 'declare' things to be. 'Nah, RCTs suck. Better to design fancy models'. And this is what it comes down to. The triumph of mathematical models.
Fisman is a modelling charlatan. He published a 'study' that asserted the unvaccinated threatened the vaccinated. It wouldn't be so bad if an MP hadn't read it in Parliament. This stuff is not only junk science, but it's dangerous to the civil order because politicians are now thoroughly invested in the narrative of masks and the cult of pseudoscience.
So. Are we to believe that lab-controlled and observational studies are the 'gold standards' for masks?
I don't even believe N-95s are effective. These masks are mostly for dust particles in the construction industry. And they're to be worn but for a couple of hours max. If you work eight hours that's four masks. At $5 a pop that's $20 a day for 30 days. Or $600 per month. How stupidly unrealistic are scientists these days?
Moreover, medical masks are often made of materials that are known carcinogens.
Here's Heneghan interviewing Jefferson about the review:
I believe by April 2020, China was producing more masks than they needed. In order to sell their stockpile, they had to turn the screws on those they own. Bank accounts need to be pulled for this entire lot.
In fact, during the spring of 2020, China was actively stripping other countries of their PPE and other medical supplies, even as they were downplaying the pandemic.
They're been thoroughly basted in cheap propaganda. their minds have atrophied. it's an abomination to continue watching them not even assess anything critically. They just look at every incident as its own reality and don't even attempt to step back and connect dots. That's where the propaganda (disinformation) of misinformation has succeeded. Once again, the government has managed to deceive the people into believing that if they research and read sources other than 'accredited' sources (ie CBC, BBC, politicians etc.), they're engaging in 'conspiracy theories'.
An anthropologist professor friend of mine in his 60s said he has never seen such an appalling display of vulgar science and political leadership in the USA or Canada in his life. I'm younger and concur. How anyone can possibly think all of this is sound governance is beyond comprehension. And this has sweet f-all to do with partisanship.
Correct, they don't work as a mitigation against Covid. But they were very effective as a psychological weapon, a constant reminder that we should be afraid of the horrible pandemic! Without the masks, I'm confident most people would have shrugged it off by the end or 2020, i.e. before the toxic shots came on the scene.
Two years ago, January of 2021 I noticed an amazing contrast. I had spent the previous several months up in SE PA where indoor masking was mandatory. People were miserable, grumpy, and afraid there. Then we headed down to NE FL, as we normally do right after the holidays. There were no mask mandates here, and although some people wore them voluntarily, most did not. The difference in people's attitude was night and day. Things were darn close to normal here!
It is highly probable that, without things like masks to keep the Pandemic Panic Narrative alive in people's brains, the entire hooplah over COVID would have ended back in 2020.
It was demonstrable even by late summer of 2020 that the hospitalizations were not there.
The supposed carnage from the virus was never a reality.
Had the government done nothing at all and just let the virus virus, all of the resultant disruptions and dislocations of the past three years would never have happened.
What a waste.
Masks are such a hideous symbol of submission and slavery that even if they did give any kind of benefit at all, the psychological damage done to both the wearer and witnesses outweighs that argument tenfold. I cannot stand to even look at people who insist on wearing them.
If people choose to wear a face mask, that is their prerogative. If someone is symptomatic and wishes to do all he or she can to avoid transmission, I certainly do not want to criticize that intention, even if the action is not likely to be productive.
But the people who make the pretense that universal masking is scientifically supported are simply lying. And that is unconscionable.
Yes, I know you're right and I WISH that it wasn't a sonic boom level psychic attack. It's been unbearable right from the get go and the only way to deal with it is to armor up with anger. Arg, this continues to be such a powerful spiritual lesson; every day I wonder what the heck I was thinking when I decided to incarnate into this life.......
Define "work." If you define it as having any effect on stopping the spread of a "virus," you'd have to say they fail miserably. If, on the other hand, you define "work" as maintaining fear and control over (at least part of) the population, you'd have to say they work splendidly.
The implicit presumption in public health strategies is that there is tangible benefit to the public health.
Beyond that, I cannot disagree with your conclusions.
If it’s true one can be infected through the eye mucosa, that blows the mask thing out of the water, no?
Respiratory pathogens can be spread in a variety of ways. Airborne is the most common vector, but mucosa are another, as is the fecal oral route.
And yes, these are some of the reasons universal masking fails as a public health strategy.
Yeh, when I saw her and three others (including David FIsman) push back on the review in an article in The Conversation I was floored and appalled.
What is it with these people and the masks? I find it troubling how they just 'declare' things to be. 'Nah, RCTs suck. Better to design fancy models'. And this is what it comes down to. The triumph of mathematical models.
Fisman is a modelling charlatan. He published a 'study' that asserted the unvaccinated threatened the vaccinated. It wouldn't be so bad if an MP hadn't read it in Parliament. This stuff is not only junk science, but it's dangerous to the civil order because politicians are now thoroughly invested in the narrative of masks and the cult of pseudoscience.
So. Are we to believe that lab-controlled and observational studies are the 'gold standards' for masks?
I don't even believe N-95s are effective. These masks are mostly for dust particles in the construction industry. And they're to be worn but for a couple of hours max. If you work eight hours that's four masks. At $5 a pop that's $20 a day for 30 days. Or $600 per month. How stupidly unrealistic are scientists these days?
Moreover, medical masks are often made of materials that are known carcinogens.
Here's Heneghan interviewing Jefferson about the review:
It’s so refreshing to see yet again the open discussion and scientific debate in the comments section of “The Conversation” 😁
I believe by April 2020, China was producing more masks than they needed. In order to sell their stockpile, they had to turn the screws on those they own. Bank accounts need to be pulled for this entire lot.
In fact, during the spring of 2020, China was actively stripping other countries of their PPE and other medical supplies, even as they were downplaying the pandemic.
It was one of many things China did to weaponize the pandemic.
Funny how we don't hear from the greeniacs. And doesn't the media LOVE toxic explosions and accidents? If it bleeds, it leads.
And what about PETA? We hear nothing from them about the despicable treatment of animals during vaccine trials. Monkeys and beagles for example.
They're been thoroughly basted in cheap propaganda. their minds have atrophied. it's an abomination to continue watching them not even assess anything critically. They just look at every incident as its own reality and don't even attempt to step back and connect dots. That's where the propaganda (disinformation) of misinformation has succeeded. Once again, the government has managed to deceive the people into believing that if they research and read sources other than 'accredited' sources (ie CBC, BBC, politicians etc.), they're engaging in 'conspiracy theories'.
An anthropologist professor friend of mine in his 60s said he has never seen such an appalling display of vulgar science and political leadership in the USA or Canada in his life. I'm younger and concur. How anyone can possibly think all of this is sound governance is beyond comprehension. And this has sweet f-all to do with partisanship.