
Another excellent analysis, succinctly putting all the pieces of the big picture together. You give us a comprehension that we’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else, Mr. Kust!

In the early days of OPEC, the money pouring in was gravy to be lavished on any delights they wanted to have. But now virtually all of the members of OPEC are completely dependent on that oil for their political survival. So I imagine that OPEC leaders are thinking, hmm, cutting production didn’t shore up prices, and demand is falling and likely to fall further - what can we do to ensure our regime’s survival? Sabotage a Russian production facility, and make it look like an ordinary part of their war? Undercut the regime of a politically weaker OPEC member - such as Venezuela’s Maduro - in ways that kick it out of the picture? What do you think, Mr. Kust - any speculation on OPEC’s moves in their desperation?

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