Pfizer Doc Said The Quiet Part Out Loud: Let's Play God With Viruses
This Is Not The "New Normal", But The "Old Normal"
Project Veritas has once again kicked over a hornet’s nest of controversy, this time with a clandestine video of a Pfizer director of research casually discussing Pfizer’s (ongoing?) efforts to mutate at least one strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

While it is both shocking and appalling to hear anyone casually discuss ways to alter (and potentially make more dangerous) any virus, the real takeaway from Project Veritas’ work is that this is in no way unusual. Far from being any sort of “new normal” in virology or biomedica research, this is in fact the “old normal” that has been around literally for decades.
There are many notable quotes to glean from the video, but the telling one comes at the very beginning:
well one of the things we're exploring is, like, why don't we just mutate it ourselves so we could...we could create...preemptively develop new vaccines, right?
Where have we seen this before? For starters, it’s the premise of the Tom Cruise action thriller “Mission Impossible II”, where the villain, Sean Ambrose (played with scenery chewing glee by Dougray Scott), steals a manufactured pathogen, “Chimera”, along with the cure (“Bellerephon”), intending to make billions off the cure after unleashing the pathogen on the world.
Yes, Pfizer is imitating a Tom Cruise movie to make its next billions in profit. That alone should scare the bejesus out of everybody.
At least, that is what is being presented in the video—and what is clearly implied by the above quote. We are told that this individual is one Jordon Trishton Walker, a director of research for Pfizer. Certainly a DuckDuckGo search for “Jordan Walker Pfizer” reveals there is (or rather, there was) a LinkedIn profile of one Jordon Walker, MD, with the job title of Director, Worldwide R&D Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning at Pfizer.
However, following the URL to that LinkedIn profile shows that it is at the very least no longer public.
The Internet never forgets anything, however, and a Twitter reply to Robert Malone’s sharing of this video displays what presumably is a snippet of Jordon Walker’s curriculum vitae.
As a precaution against Twitter somehow memory-holing this information, this tweet has been archived here.
The above tweeted information appears to come from the recruiting research site SignalHire (free login required), the picture and stated credentials align with what is presented in the video.
James O’Keefe, who heads Project Veritas, has provided further provenance as to Jordon Walker’s credentials.

This tweet has also been archived against sudden random deletion here.
A search on PubMed.gov shows multiple papers authored or co-authored by a Jordon Walker affiliated with the Department of Urology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, which appears to have been a prior career posting for Jordon Walker prior to working at Pfizer.
The titles were obtained from SignalHire and searched on PubMed.gov.
Thus we may reliably presume that the person in this video is Jordon Walker, who is a senior manager within Pfizer, and thus would possess internal knowledge of Pfizer’s plans and projects surrounding the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the development of mRNA inoculations against it.
Another illuminating quote from the effusive Jordon Walker is his thoughts on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan China.
“Which, I suspect, is the way the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. Like, it makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere.”
While this is purely speculation on his part, consider what is being said here: the original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2 began as a research project to “anticipate”—to mutate”—coronaviruses to understand how they might become dangerous to people and, presumably, to develop vaccines and therapeutics to head such a virus off before it had a chance to get started.
Jordon Walker’s speculations in this regard are not any sort of evidence that this is indeed what happened in Wuhan. However, that this is to him a plausible and “normal” explanation for the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 illustrates the degree to which these types of research projects are routine both within Big Pharma and Big Government. Big Government the world over funds these sort of “research” efforts under a rubric of biological “threat reduction.”
We should be mindful that the Biological Weapons Convention explicitly frowns on the development and storage of dangerous pathogens.
The Biogical Weapons Convention is fairly short, as treaties go—a mere fifteen articles. Article I lays out the fundamental thrust of the treaty in unambiguous terms.
Each State Party to this Convention undertakes never in any circumstances to develop, produce, stockpile or otherwise acquire or retain:
(1) microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of production, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes;
(2) weapons, equipment or means of delivery designed to use such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict,
Thus, unless a particular modality of viral research has clear therapeutic purpose and benefit, pursuing it anywhere in the world is not merely unethical, but illegal.
Enter the term “threat reduction”. By categorizing all such research activities as “threat reduction”, “biosecurity”, or other equally anodyne and non-descriptive terminology, those who play around with these pathogens are shielded from the accusation that they are creating “bioweapons”—even though we have seen repeatedly in the past that pathogens created under the rubric of “threat reduction”, once removed from the lab, easily become “threat creation.” Even before COVID, the strain used in the post-9/11 anthrax attacks was found to be a strain cultivated in a lab at the University of Iowa at Ames, Iowa, and made more virulent specifically to “stress test” anthrax vaccines.
It is also reasonable to ask how biological research under the rubric of “threat reduction” is substantially different from “bioweapons research”. The anthrax strain used in the 2001 terror attacks was a “vaccine challenge” strain—a strain intentionally made more virulent in order to “stress test" anthrax vaccines. As Dr. Paul Keim stated publicly in 2011:
We were surprised it was the Ames strain. And it was chilling at the same time, because the Ames strain is a laboratory strain that had been developed by the U.S. Army as a vaccine-challenge strain. We knew that it was highly virulent. In fact, that’s why the Army used it, because it represented a more potent challenge to vaccines that were being developed by the U.S. Army. It wasn’t just some random type of anthrax that you find in nature; it was a laboratory strain, and that was very significant to us, because that was the first hint that this might really be a bioterrorism event.
Moreover, while there is as yet no “smoking gun” evidence that shows the original SARS-CoV-2 virus was developed specifically as an offensive bioweapon, there is equally no doubt that China did everything it could to weaponize the virus’ spread once it appeared in the wild, whether by accident or by design.
Subsequent revelations have shown the degree to which the Chinese research efforts involving coronaviruses were aided, abetted, and funded by the US National Institutes of Health.
It is important to remember these linkages, because when it comes to any form of research that involves tinkering with dangerous pathogens, it is never a binary proposition. China is not absolved because of US involvement. Russia is not made virtuous by accusing Ukraine of engaging in unethical research involving coronavirus or any other virus.
Russia’s biolabs have received funding through the same Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction infrastructure as the Ukrainian labs. The EcoHealth Alliance has been as big a presence in Wuhan as in Kyiv, if not bigger. China and Russia both have labs dedicated to the storage, study, and handling of dangerous pathogens: China has the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Russia has the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR. All of this is documented and indisputable.
Nor are the sins of virology contained within the state actors. Time and again we see university researchers and now Pfizer engaged in the same foolish, reckless and unethical “research”, that ultimately seems to have little purpose other than “hey, I wonder if we can do this?”
That virologists at Boston University would engineer new strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that showed extraordinary lethality is proof of that this is the norm.
That other virologists would defend such research is further proof that this mindset very much is the status quo.
That Imperial College London has performed similar recreational research is yet another point of proof of this.
That virologists would splice together Influenza A and Respiratory Syncitial Virus, presumably to study the phenomenon of “coinfection”—when that phenomenon is already well researched and documented—is yet more proof of the fundamental lack of seriousness behind much of modern virological research.
Everything pointed out here can be sourced and documented, often by the published research materials themselves. The quest for the Frankenvirus is an ongoing and neverending source of much research grant money and entertainment among the world’s biological and virological researchers—and if any should challenge the propriety or ethics of that research, they merely need retreat into a canned defense about the importance of “biosecurity” or “threat reduction”. By creating new virological threats, we are told, these researchers are reducing virological threats.
The scary part is that they actually believe that.
The full video from Project Veritas is well worth watching. It is an illuminating look into the Big Pharma mindset about COVID, about mRNA “vaccines”, and about the propriety of such modes of research in general.
We should be appalled at Jordon Walker’s cavalier attitude regarding Pfizer’s efforts to tinker with and manipulate the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We should recognize that, no matter how they relabel and repackage the research, they are still playing God with viruses, and that is still a very BAD idea.
What we should not be is shocked or surprised. This is what passes for “research” in the modern scientific (pseudoscientific) community. This is not a “new normal”, but an “old normal”. What Pfizer is doing very much is the status quo.
Jordon Walker merely said that quiet part out loud. He merely confirmed that this is what Big Pharma does—and you can be sure they are doing it with more than just SARS-CoV-2. This is what university researchers do. This is what Big Government does.
That is by far the most terrifying aspect of Jordon Walker’s reveals: the “normality” of it all.
I have watched over the decades as the medical *profession*has been completely taken over by the pharmaceutical *industry*.
Now we have no recourse but to STAY AWAY from the medical profession, if at all possible.
Pfizer has a very close relationship with Israel. Did Israel even sign the Bioweapons agreement?