Stephanie Brail, author of the Wholistic Substack, has written at length about Mike O’Mara, potentially someone with severe neurological damage from the COVID mRNA inoculations, whose suffering has been, to put it mildly, tragic.
For some victims of neurological disease, the nerve damage becomes progressive and degenerative, at which point it may become visible. But at that point, the damage is done and it’s very difficult if not almost impossible to heal from.
Meet Mike O’Mara, a musician and teacher who was injured by the Moderna mRNA covid vaccine. Here he is playing the piano. Don’t let his outward appearance fool you; he’s suffering greatly and fears he is dying:
I encourage you to read her articles on the man’s plight—she gives it far better treatment than I could, and it is worth the read.
While I do not know for certain that Mike’s suffering is caused by the mRNA inoculations, neither do I know that it is not. Conclusive diagnosis of such requires greater information than is available in a public Substack. However, as Stephanie points out, it is quite conceivable and perhaps even probable that his health issues are traceable to the mRNA inoculations.
We have to consider the possibility that the inoculations are truly that dangerous.
Why must we consider that possibility? We must because we have had so many warnings of so many adverse health consequences, all the while seeing mountains of data showing how useless the inoculations have been at mitigating the spread of COVID.
The warnings have always been there, and no one may deny the fact of those warnings.
There can be no denying that even Pfizer’s and Moderna’s own clinical trial data showed the inoculations were in fact of questionable efficacy and utility, simply because barely 1% of their trial subjects caught COVID, even if in the placebo (control) arm of the study.
In relative terms, the Pfizer vaccine reduced the probability of infection from 0.88% to 0.04%
While the reduction from a 0.88% probability of infection to a 0.04% probability is indeed a dramatic reduction, relatively speaking, one is reminded of the old joke about having a penny and acquiring another penny: yes, you have doubled your money but you still only have two cents.
Far from the inoculations being the magic bullet they were claimed to be when first introduced, the reality of the data was always that they were extremely problematic as a COVID preventative.
Even if we declined to reach this conclusion from the original Pfizer and Moderna data, the initial track record of the inoculations themselves clearly showed that the shots were not at all working as intended.
COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports have been presented consistently in the mainstream media as an essential element of returning to a pre-pandemic “normal.” However, when we scrutinize ten or eleven months’ worth of COVID-19 data on case counts as well as vaccination rate across multiple countries, we immediately see that, not only has there not been a return to a status quo ante, but that there is no plausible reason to presume these measures can ever provide that return.
Even two years ago, there were red flags warning us about the inoculations.
So much as been written about the red flags which abound within the VAERS data accumulated for the inoculations, that it scarce warrants rehashing that data here. Yet even with this we do well to note that Pfizer yet again provided substantive validation of that data, confirming that there were indeed safet concerns surrounding the mRNA inoculations.
Yet the Pfizer documents show that the healthcare establishment has been guilty of a fair bit of dissemblage in touting the COVID vaccines as “safe”. The risks of the vaccines are real, and are considerably more likely than those promoting the vaccines have been willing to admit. For certain patient groups the vaccines are quite likely the greater risk over COVID.
These red flags were available to everyone, including all the “experts” at the CDC and the FDA, from late 2021 onward. These red flags were available, and these red flags were ignored.
At the same time we were seeing these red flags about the dangers of the mRNA inoculations, we were being presented with red flags about the utility of the inoculations, and by the end of 2021 it was clear that the inoculations had been greatly oversold.
Another fascinating statement in the study is the acknowledgement that healthier individuals have better outcomes from vaccination.
Although risk for a breakthrough infection increased with greater number of comorbidities, this risk was associated with and notably attenuated by immune dysfunction status.
While such a correlation is on its face unsurprising, we should remember that the healthy patient population is already at the lowest risk from COVID-19. Vaccines which are effective only for healthy individuals are of questionable practical utility, given that less healthy individuals are the ones at greatest risk and in need of the most protection.
We were being presented with the red flags that the inoculations were not only failing to prevent the spread of COVID, but their utilization patterns compared with the spread of the disease suggested that the inoculations may even have had a role to play in causing COVID infections.
To this list of troubling indicators we can add the most troubling of all—a Bayesian analysis of worldwide case numbers which indicates the mass vaccination campaigns have actually increased both COVID-19 cases and deaths. If this analysis is even only somewhat accurate, the vaccines have made the pandemic far worse than it otherwise might have been.
By last summer, as the inoculations’ failures became too widespread to ignore the CDC managed to gaslight everyone on yet more red flags—the confirmed linkages between the inoculations and perimyocarditis. Rather than acknowledge what the data clearly indicated, Rochelle Walensky, the soon-to-be-former head of the CDC, lied to everyone.
In response to a FOIA request by The Epoch Times, the CDC had this to say:
The “The National Center for Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Diseases performed a search of our records that failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request,” Roger Andoh, a CDC records officer, told The Epoch Times. The center is part of the CDC.
No abstractions or reports were available because “an association between myocarditis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was not known at that time,” Andoh added.
This is absolutely false. From the CDC's own COVID inoculation web page:
In April 2021, increased cases of myocarditis and pericarditis were reported in the United States after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna). Data from multiple studies show a rare risk for myocarditis and/or pericarditis following receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
If reports were received by the CDC as early as April of 2021, it is inconceivable there would be no internal discussion or debate over the significance of these reports. That discussion and debate would be an intrinsic part of the process to establish or reject a causal link between the inoculations and cases of myocarditis.
Whenever a public health official lies about an important therapeutic being promoted in furtherance of the public health, that is absolutely a red flag, not to be ignored.
Yet that red flag was soon followed up with another red flag, this one indicating the mRNA inoculations may very well have accelerated Michel Goldman’s lymphomas.
We do not even need to speculate if the mRNA inoculation causes Goldman’s cancer. Roxanne Khamsi leads with the intimation that it did.
The brothers knew this might be just an eerie coincidence. But they couldn’t shake the feeling that Michel had experienced what would be a very rare yet life-threatening side effect of COVID vaccination.
An inoculation which can trigger life-threatening cancer gets a huge red flag—one that was also ignored.
Yes, there is a pattern here, and not a good one.
The disturbing revelation the inoculations were likely responsible for Michel Goldman’s lymphoma was not the last red flag, as soon after that came out came more data showing the inoculations disrupted and altered the menstrual cycles in over half of women who received the shots.
Yet that is not the only example of a damning Faucist silence surrounding the mRNA inoculations. After a year of complaints from women that the mRNA inoculations were disrupting their monthly cycles comes a large international study that confirms what women have known all along: the mRNA shots mess with their menstrual cycles.
Some months after that disquieting revelation, Dr. Ryan Cole went on “Ask Doctor Drew” to draw attention to the seeming presence of free-floating spike proteins far beyond the injection site and far longer than should have been the case.
The short version of Dr. Cole’s presentations: the spike proteins produced in the body as the result of the mRNA inoculations are either causing or exacerbating various cancers within the body.
Amazingly, the constantly increasing number of head flags surrounding the inoculations was still ignored.
Moreover, in the avalanche of warning signs, safety signals, and red flags, we occasionally discovered adverse events that had been overlooked—the inoculations continued to become even more dangerous.
More studies would be needed to validate this association, but it’s worth considering whether GI issues may provide a sign of what’s going on in the body.
As hypertension goes unrecognized in a majority of individuals, and given its role as a silent killer, one may wonder whether the sudden deaths and the serious complications post-vaccination may be related in some ways to the hypertensive “spike effect” from the vaccines.
Yet the red flags did not stop. Next came the analysis showing that COVID inoculation rates were positively correlated with increasing levels of worker disability.
Specifically, we are confronted by the analytical work performed by the Humanity Projects Team sponsored by data research firm Phinance Technologies which asserts a strong correlation (and potentially a causal connection), between the mRNA inoculations and levels of disability within the US labor force.
The absolute piece d’resistance has been the disclosure that the CDC provably was lying to the American public about safety signals the CDC was supposed to have been tracking but did so only belatedly.
This was not the first proven lie by the CDC, merely the worst.
Ultimately, we do not need to confirm the inoculations as the source of Mike O’Mara’s pain and suffering. We have more than enough unambiguous red flags surrounding the inoculations to demand an accounting of why they have not yet been pulled. We have more than enough unimpeachable data to demand an accounting of why the FDA did not revoke the inoculations’ Emergency Use Authorization months ago, even years ago.
For the sake of all those demonstrably injured by the mRNA inoculations, we deserve that accounting.
For the sake of all those potentially injured by the mRNA inoculations, we deserve that accounting.
We must have that accounting for the simple and yet appalling reason that, for both proven and potential victims such as Mike O’Mara, had the FDA acted and pulled the inoculations when the data first justified it, considerable harm could have been avoided.
Mike O’Mara’s suffering may not be attributable to the inoculations—but we cannot say that with confidence. We can say with confidence that we have had ample evidence that there were problems with the shots since their introduction in 2021.
We can say with confidence that red flag after red flag has been repeatedly ignored.
We can say with confidence that at least some people have been grievously harmed not just by the inoculations but by the FDA’s indifference. Mike O’Mara may very well be among their number.
We can say with confidence that anyone who defends the inoculations as being either safe or effective is either ignorant of the data or simply lying through their teeth.
Nothing more needs be said than this. The COVID shots are proven threats to human health and well being. They absolutely should not be left on the market, and it is a callous and most depraved indifference to human suffering that they are.
I hate to be negative, but I don't see any accounting for any of this. The faulty shots, the economic shutdowns, the cruelty towards those who decided not to get the vaccine. They are just hoping to wait this thing out. At the end of the day, if the summer of 2020 with the riots and shutting down small businesses was not enough to wake people up, the daily tedium of excess deaths and other obvious signs something is not right certainly won't.
But I will end on a positive note, these last three years have given many of us a new perspective on life and what and who is important. Because of COVID I went back to my faith and found others who are similar to my values to spend time with. Perhaps that is the key--take this sad reality but use it to make your life better and yourself stronger.
You know, I think I am done...I used to try and stop people from taking the shots/booster....but no's time....the facts are out there......if you are still calling me names, gaslighting me, and ignoring the data then it's time for you to go.....I tried...I can feel good about trying...really trying.... the fact is that the cult is a hard habit to break....adios....if I have to endure abuse, and constant harassment for telling the truth then it's time for the sheep to face the consequences.....enough....
“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.” ― George Gurdjieff